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I've missed my hippi homies :'-(

15 years ago

The other day, Frank sent me a message on Facebook asking me where the heck I've been. lol I've been super busy and thought that I would share some pics of what I've been up to! Since these pictures are not exactly amaryllis related, I will be editing the captions to make them relevant to our forum. Ready? On your mark.....get set....GO!!!

First, we have my amy-babies that have bloomed and are now living in the greenhouse. They are much happier here. I can't "over-love" them. Safety in distance. lol


I had to make a sign to let Husband and my sis-in-law know not to water my darn bulbs. I've lost two to rot lately. People just don't know when enough is enough when it comes to watering. I wrote that they are "sleeping" to make it seem very technical. I water them every two weeks and THAT is almost too much.


Pretty sure these are herbs....I mean, I really mean herbs. Don't get mad since this is hippi-unrelated.


Germination chamber. These aren't amaryllis. Sigh. Don't kick me out of the "club" for these pics. lol


We could call this hippeastrum related because I could potentially TRADE some of these for hippis. Does that count? No one likes a hater :-)


Grow, I say. GROW, DANG IT!!!


Perennial Geraniums from cuttings. Complete experiment. Had no idea this would work. Hmmmmm. Neat.


Goldenrod.....but hippis in the background.


Plants aren't the only thing "over-wintering" in the greenhouse. Saints preserve us. Yuck.


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