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Your favorite non-Kordes/non-Meilland hybrid tea?

11 years ago

Since we've already covered Kordes and Meilland HTs, let's lump all the others together and nominate your top THREE favorite non-Kordes/non-Meilland hybrid teas. List breeder if you know it.

Here are my THREE favorites:

Red Intuition--Delbard HT--long-lasting blooms and very disease-resistant--and beautiful!

Double Delight--Swim & Ellis HT--that indispensable HT ! This is the best pic I have--I know some of you have much better ones.

Gypsy Carnival--Suzuki HT--shouldn't be here since it is a terrible disease magnet, but I do love this red with the yellow reverses, so I'm including it here instead of Chrysler Imperial which would have been my next choice.

As popular as Double Delight usually is, perhaps we should just say, what are your THREE favorite non-Kordes/non-Meilland HTs OTHER THAN DOUBLE DELIGHT!

But you can show us a DD pic if you have a really good one! : )


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