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President Johnson, Jewel and a last minute Blossom Peacock

Hi, Just a few more blooms to add to the mix..

President Johnson was a surprise that it had such a nice noticeable picotee, but you still have to walk right up to it to see it's beauty..2 stalks, 4 flowers each all out at the same time on a new bulb.

A re-blooming Jewel..lovely fragrance and it's got 2 stalks 3 blooms on the first and the second hasn't opened yet..I'm pleased that it has re-bloomed so well..

and lastly only 2 flowers on a very pale Blossom Peacock..2 small bulbs left in the pot after the NBF ate the mother..but they're doing fine, but a bit on the pale side..and as always very fragrant...





sorry I posted so many of those..I think it is so beautiful..




Thanks for looking...


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