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Donations to Mel Hulse Fund

15 years ago

It's the end of the tax year. If any of you are inclined to make year-end donations, one option is to donate to the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden's Mel Hulse Fund, earmarking your donation to be used to purchase roses for the garden from Vintage Gardens. It's a win-win, supporting the largest rose garden and the largest supplier of vintage roses in the country.

I just made a donation and it feels good. No pressure - and you can donate a small amount, of course.

Here's what I posted earlier this year:

It's a new tax year. Any of you who feel able and willing to make a donation of whatever size to San Jose Heritage Rose Garden, with the proviso that it go for rose purchases from Vintage Gardens, could do it for 2009. I donated last year, and plan to do it again soon.

Here's what I posted last September (2008):

Another way to help Vintage would be to make a donation to the Mel Hulse Memorial Fund for San Jose's Heritage Rose Garden, and to specify that the donation is for rose acquisition, to be purchased from Vintage Gardens.

The SJHRG has quite a long list of roses that they need, some to replace roses that have been lost, and others that have not yet been acquired for their collection. For all of us who are maxed out on space in our home gardens, but would like to support both Vintage and a very worthy public garden (and to honor the memory of Da Kernel, Mel Hulse), this is a way to do it.

You can send your donation to:

Leslee Hamilton, Exec. Dir.

Friends of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens

438 Coleman Ave.

San Jose, CA 95110-2004

The check needs to be made to "Friends of Guadalupe River Park and Gardens." Write "Mel Hulse Fund" on the memo line of the check, and enclose a note saying the money is for buying roses from Vintage Gardens. You can also donate on-line to the fund, although you will need to contact them to let them know how the money is to be used.

Feel free to pass this idea around - and to make a donation, even if only for one rose.


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