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Can I plant a tree where an old citrus tree used to be?

10 years ago

Phoenix, AZ. We lost a huge tangelo tree during a recent microburst. The tree was probably about 30yrs old and was the focal point of our backyard landscape. It was about 15 feet from the swimming pool and the next nearest citrus tree (orange). About 5 feet from lawn. When it was uprooted, about 2/3 of the root ball came up out the ground with it. Tree guy recommended removing it since the trunk was also split and he said it had some fungus of sorts on the leaves. He removed the tree and ground down the stump.

Question is, can I plant another tree at or near the spot where the old tree's stump was located? I'm worried about buying a tree and finding it is impossible to dig a new hole due to the old roots. Also not sure if the type of tree to be replanted in the area matters? I get inconsistent answers from the nurseries I've visted.

Also lost a 3yr old chinese elm that snapped off below the ground level. I didn't have anything ground down since you couldn't see the stump. How developed would the roots be below this tree?


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