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White Blend Rose ID (White Radiance???)

14 years ago



Type: Bush.

Size: Up to 6.56´(2.00 mt) tall and 3.28´(1.00 mt) wide.

Stems: tic, strong, rigid. The new stems have a characteristic redish colouring.

Habit: Tall and dense bush, very very thorny.



Color: Dark green, dull (not glossy).

Size: Big.


Features of the bud: Small light pink buds. As the buds open you can see its conic centre light pink blended that never opens completely (according to this description I was said this rose could be ´White Radiance´, but it is scentless).

Diameter: 4.72" x 4.72" (12 cm x 12 cm). No simetry.

Flower: Big, no simetry. Very similar in appearance to varieties like "Red Radiante" or "Pink Radiante", but has no scent.

¿How does it bloom?: Solitary and in posies of up to 3-4 flowers in Autumn and up to 8-9 in spring (see pictures).

¿How many times does it flower?: Taking into account that the rose grows in a neighboring old garden I do not have the exact information, but it has a really abundant and long lasting blooming in spring and during the fall season.

Number of petals and shape: 36 petals.

Stamen Yes/ No: It is impossible to apreciate them because the flower never opens completely.

Color: White blend. Light pink centre.

Lenght of the flower: High.

Fragance: None to mild fragance.

Resistance: It seems to be a very vigorous and healthy cultivar.

THANKS for your time! Mariano.
{{gwi:317326}}White blend rose ID

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