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Norway maples / box elders along sandy top edge of slope

12 years ago

The northern boundary of my lot consists of a creek at the bottom of a steep 25-foot slope. The top edge of this slope is fairly close to the house, and the soil is sandy, so I am concerned about erosion.

The top edge is planted with vinca and pachysandra, and some daylilies, and a couple of forsythia. There are a few huge black locust trees which are nearing their end of life - large branches have broken off and fallen over the edge; some hangers are stuck in the upper branches. Small norway maples and box elders have sprung up randomly along the edge.

I dealt with the most immediate threat from one of the black locusts that was aimed for one corner of the living room, that tree was felled last year. The rest, if they fall, will at least miss the house.

Now I'm wondering whether I should cut the maples and box elders while they're still small, perhaps leaving the stumps to hold the soil, and plant something else that will require less raking of leaves and pulling of seedlings every year, although I wouldn't want to plant evergreens that would block the view to the creek completely.


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