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A bunch of questions for rose growers

strawchicago z5
12 years ago

I'm puzzled about Jude the Oscure. Laura in Illinois reported that she planted him in March, and he gave only 3 blooms so far. My William Shakespeare was planted in July in a pot, moved to partial shade, and gave only 5 blooms.

I checked previous forums: Blendguy (Robert) from England said Jude the Obscure prefers heat more than cool weather. Folks in CA give impressive pics of William Shakespeare vs. my puny one.

I'm hesitant on Sharifa Asma since my garden is mostly partial shade. What are the Austins that do best in full-sun so I can avoid them?

Kim: I need your expertise here. My hunch is roses with large petals like hybrid tea need full sun. Jude the Obscure petals are big and incurved - versus James Galway's petals are tiny ruffles, better in partial shade. If you look at shady impatient flowers, their petals are small. On the other hand, sunny petunias' petals are quite large.

My other question is do deep-cup, cabbage-shaped roses like Brother Cadfael, Pretty Jessica, and St. Cecilia need full sun? I'm hesitant on these since they are slow-to-repeat and may ball in wet & cool weather. More shallow-cup like Crown Princess Margareta with small ruffled petals can handle shade better.

Last question is when to plant bare-root? Is it safe to plant BEFORE the last day of frost in spring? I planted geraniums and tomatoes before May 30 in zone 5a - and they were stunt for good from the late frost. When I plant them after frost, June 1, they are OK. I asked Chamblee about this, they said their last day of delivery is May 15, and I should keep them indoor, before planting them in June 1.

That's for bands, but can bareroot be planted BEFORE the last day of frost in the the spring? Many thanks.

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