rouge royale - escaped the shovel
13 years ago
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- 13 years ago
- 13 years ago
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Liebeszauber or Mirandy--please comment
Comments (12)I grow Liebzauber. Or at least I did--I think its dead now. Here's my Leibzauber saga. I got it from Pickering for Fall delivery along with Olympiad and Royal William. The roses were mounded up for winter but when I uncovered them in the Spring, Olympiad was dead with canker Leibzauber had died back to the bud union from canker, and Royal William was fine. I spotted a bud emerging from the bud union on Liebzauber so I kept it and planted it in back where it didn't matter whether it lived or died. It grew slowly over several years as a one cane wonder but finally after about 5 years it built up to a vigorous, bushy rose. Last year, when it was 6 or 7 years old, it came into it's own and produced the most enormous roses I have ever seen. But this winter it got down to 15 degrees. Leibzauber is black all the way to the ground. I don't winter protect it (see the canker problem above). So I think I will be shovel pruning it. Bottom line--I would be concerned that it is too tender for zone 4 and it's suceptibility to canker might make winter protection a problem. Royal William is a reliable,vigorous and healthy rose. The blooms are bluer than I would like. I can't vouch for fragrance--none of my roses in that bed are fragrant and I don't know why. Some comments on your other selections--Chrysler Imperial has the best color of any of my red roses and is the standard by which I judge them. The color is rich and velvety with no bluing. But it is very prone to blackspot. It does respond to spraying though. Overall the bush is very coarse I am trying to find a red rose that has the color of Chrysler Imperial with flowers with good form, on a good looking, disease free bush. Haven't found the ultimate red rose yet. Rouge Royale was shovel pruned after a couple of years. It had a bad tendency for bullheading and vegetative centers in the first flush so it wouldn't be until late July before I would get a decent rose off of it. Ingrid Bergman is supposed to be a great rose. I wouldn't rule it out. By the way, Konrad Henkel is a reliable red. I have won Queen of Show with it....See MoreOnce I Started Digging, It Was Hard To Quit
Comments (25)Tea Clipper is going this week. It's in a prime spot and I have 6 new roses of which Apricot Nectar will probably be its replacement. Adolf Horstmann went bye bye a couple of weeks ago and this week Scentimantal will be dug up and given away. Also going is Catherine Mermet, very small and boring. She was my first Tea and I have newer teas that are 3 times her size. Also under sp consideration, Julia Child. It was a 1.5 grade and probably has too much shade. I may move her to Adolf's vacated spot. That would put her next to Pat Austin which would be a nice color combo. I have no problem with the shovel. It's an opportunity to plant something new and hopefully it will be way better. A garden is a changing thing and sometimes we just have to go for it....See MoreFor those who grow Rouge Royale....
Comments (33)I love ROUGE ROYALE because it is a top notch cut flower. As you can see from the images the quartered flower form is utter perfection. Never is a petal out of place. The blooms are also H-U-G-E! I've seen flowers that were the size of my outstretched hand. Amazing. The color is phenomenal: a rich ruby red that doesn't "blue" like so many other dark red Hybrid Teas. Then there is the petal texture: velvety on the top with a satiny reverse. Absolutely, positively gorgeous. Petals are also stiff with substance. Properly conditioned cut flowers will easily last a week in a vase. Loooooooong straight, strong stems. And don't get me started on the fragrance: intense and complex, rivaling such classics as General Jacqueminot and Souvenir du Docteur Jamain. The burgundy turned dark green leathery foliage is a perfect foil for the sumptuous flowers and the bush has a nice shape to boot. Trust me folks, this is THE true red reproduction rose we've all been looking for. If I had the room I'd grow five of these smoldering beauties....See MoreRouge Royale, final word in yet?
Comments (38)Ravishing of course ! I'm on your tail Diane, going through the Roses Forum posts , drinking my tea in bed. i couldn't resist the topic but should rest my eyes in awhile. My squat little RR after I trimmed it down for Winter is nestled into leaves. It's the first year I have tried a leaf blanket instead of just hilling the roses with extra dirt. I hope it won't create a big soggy mess in Spring. i thought the leaves could then be worked into the dirt for added nourishment. It may start forest of ginkgo trees. My RR got some yucky leaves in Fall; after the worst leaves were plucked, and a few milk showers, it has perfect leaves again. I'm learning what these roses like. For anyone considering Rouge Royale, you won't believe your eyes, the bloom is outrageous . I totally agree with you Diane for a vase rose it's hard to beat even by any Austin. My RR baby came from Northland Rosarium - I love their nursery....See MoreRelated Professionals
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