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Simple bins for a simple gal

15 years ago

Like every composter, I'm always eager to show guests the bins (with mixed reactions to be sure). You guys are no exception. Here are pics of my setup.

These bins are 8' x 4' and divided into 4'x4'. The compost that was almost a year old in these empty bins are now sifted/stored in the 4 blue containers, ready to hit the ground in Spring.


And here are the winter/active bins. The front gets the kitchen scrap. The back has wood grindings and I toss some of that over each kitchen scrap deposit. When it all thaws in spring, the pile is layered and ready to heat up.


When the wood grindings are gone, I always keep a pile of shredded leaves (under a tarp to keep them dry) to add brown layers in the winter mix.

I made these bins 5 years ago and the generous distance between the 2 sets of bins makes it really easy to get my yard cart between them to load or just good forking access for turning one pile into the adjacent bin. This is basically the heart of my whole garden, right here. Other people's 'yardwaste' is like money in the bank here! :-)


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