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Yur best *first time* perennials of 2012

Now that we are must into the first 'real' winter month i.e. December *and* I just received my first garden catalogue showing selections for 2013 (T&T Seeds) I am hoping that this thread might consolidate other posts in GW which details our 'best and brightest' perennials in our gardens of 2012. The only stipulation for this thread is that these best performing perennials must be completely new to your garden and so planted in 2012..

Of course it can take several years for a perennial to realize its potential but it is always gratifying when the plant performs in only its first season.

And of course I will start:

SOLAR ECLIPSE heucherella

I am not a big fan of heuchera and the like but the colours for this SE were to me quite striking, quite unique.



I have always liked the 'traditional' triloba but this bi-colour flowered plant was so cool. (I just wonder what the flower colours will be for the offspring).



This plant seems to correct the 'cons' of GOLDSTRUM. i.e. LG is quite compact and no blight or any other leaf issues as I had often got with Goldstrum. LG bloomed early and lasted very long.


BLUE HEAVEN FLUTTERBY (dwarf) buddleia :

I obtained a spindly specimen of a plant in early June and in the ground it went right away. It grew rapidly and by the end of June it had already begun to bloom and this continued into October. It's final size this season was a nicely proportioned 3' by 3'.


Okay now it is your turn. Please tell us your best *first year* perennials.

(I guess one is unable to edit the subject of a post? :( )

This post was edited by rouge21 on Sun, Dec 2, 12 at 15:21

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