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Can't compost that

12 years ago

Alright guys I am new as a member but browse the site daily. Here's the deal; I am not "new" to composting but there are certain things that "shouldn't" be composted. I don't know what they are. Now I am a gardener, I own a small landscaping company and I don't believe in the idea of "organic" gardening. Now I believe chemicals are good for you, I believe they keep you acclimated to the environment you live in. I eat hot dogs, I chew my nails after working on small equipment and I don't wash my hands unless they really need it. I believe in a strong immunity and having resistance to things you're going to breathe and eat:) that said, I don't plan to compost varnish.

I do wonder though will my compost break down dryer sheets? I know it does fine with Denium, and its worked wonders on a heavy cotton blanket that my 85lb moth, I mean dog, chewed holes throughout. I am not afraid of the possible remaining chemicals in the dryersheets(I try to line dry anyway) but might it hurt my plants? Also, tomatoes are in the nightshade family. Do they leave poisons behind after being composted?

I am really looking for some help finding truely bad things to compost. I swear if one more person tells me 1) Don't compost fish, it takes too long and will attract vermin, 2) Moldy bread is bad for compost, 3) Only use soy based ink newspaper, 4) Use a plastic bin, after telling me not to use non-soy paper, I will blow a gasket and lose all faith in humanity.

Some plants/stuffs really are not good for your garden, Walnuts I hear have an oil that is toxic to some plants...? What are they, prefer from experience, and what happened when you used those?

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