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yellow rose leaves, clay soil, please advise me, soil experts...

11 years ago

We have heavy clay soil that I've amended with compost and well rotted manure, two of my rosebushes have yellow leaves;

'Forrestville Purple Pom-Pom' has yellow leaves. About 15% yellow saturation to green.
'Marachal Niel' has more of a yellow saturation, c. 20% yellow to green in the color of its' foliage. It is three years old and I had thought it would be at least nine feet tall by now. Its' providence is Rogue Valley Roses. I had wanted the clone that I think was from Mr. Manners' collection but it was not available that year from vintage.
My plant is still only 17 inches tall by 22 inches wide. (after 3 years!!! in my garden!!!) I gave it some Epsom salts this spring, which usually helps basal canes to appear but no luck there.

I was thinking of amending a new rose bed with compost and manure and adding more bone meal to help the roots along, and feeding chelated iron to both rosebushes.

Would that be a good idea?
Gosh thanks for all your help over the years. ...
One more thing...
I have, for the first time in my life R.M.V. disease in a 'Chyrsler Imperial' , classic vivid yellow streaks and color breaks. I bought it this spring from Orchard Supply in a body bag. Because all my own root rosebushes are growing so slowly, I wanted a big rosebush more quickly, therefore I bought a rose on rootstock.
I plan to dig it Chrysler Imp.up and plant Marechal Niel there, should I dispose of the soil around the roots of the infected rootstock? if so how much of the soil around the infected rootstock?


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