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Killer Gophers

nanadollZ7 SWIdaho
11 years ago

We all love to hate those nasty pests, the gophers, but here's an incident that elevates gopher damage to tragic heights (a little off topic--I'll be brief): A night or two ago, a young woman drove down a country road not many miles from here on her way to work. It was four in the morning and pitch dark. Little did she know that just ahead of her was a sinkhole 15 feet wide by forty feet long and three feet deep which had formed across the entire road. Unaware, she drove into it and was killed instantly. Authorities investigating later found that gopher tunnels under the road had caused water from a nearby field to flood into the tunnels, and the road collapsed in the night, unknown to anyone. A rare and horrific tragedy, it gives us one more reason to hate gophers and their damage. Diane

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