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Need ideas for spring bloomers

I have to discard a planting of coral bells (moan about that is in another post), and I'm looking for something to replace them which I don't already have. I think I'd like a spring bloomer - not necessarily early spring, just something that blooms before the big June/July flush.

I already have a lot of brunnera, and I also have dwarf bearded iris, blood root, May apple, native geraniums, Diphyllea (? sp).

Throw me your ideas - the conditions are part-shade leaning toward the shadier part of part-shade, average to moist soil. Plants thriving in that area are ostrich fern, hydrangea, blood root, hostas.

Anemone sylvestris is a no-go, had that before and while it was gorgeous in the spring, the foliage looked ratty from mid-summer on. Same story with Pulmonaria.

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