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New Oranda needs some TLC

13 years ago

Hello! I just brought home a large (5 inch or so) beautiful but tattered blue/black oranda from a local pet store. A week ago, I purchased a beautiful calico oranda from the same place, about 7 inches and perfectly healthy and beautiful, but at the time, I didn't get the blue one as well because he didn't look so good (looked like perhaps an infection on tattered fins), but I couldn't stop thinking about him, so I finally went back today, deciding that, if he's going to die, he's going to die comfortably with me. I've had a lot of experience with goldfish, including some that I've been able to nurse back from death's door, but I haven't worked with orandas before, and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to help me make him survive and get healthy. The main reason I was originally afraid to buy him is his very tattered fins. They are certainly not the worst tattered fins I've ever seen, but they're moderate to reasonably bad. I'm very worried about infection (he may have an infection starting already, and the pet store had him in a tank full of sick fish with mild cases of ick and fin rot as well as bad open infections) so I was planning on treating with a mild amount of salt in the water and antibacterial meds. Also, I am a bit concerned about his swimming ability. I don't know if it was because he was in very crowded conditions with way too much water turbulence, but he seemed to have a little trouble swimming straight, which tells me from experience that he may have something bigger than tattered fins to worry about. I talked the employees into a 7 day guarantee, figuring he will either die or start to heal in this time window. Does anyone have any tips to help this poor guy survive? I know orandas are a little more delicate than other goldfish, so I'm especially concerned about how much aquarium salt to add. Should I treat with an anti-fungal as well? Does anyone have any recommended brands? He'll be in a 10 gallon quarantine aquarium until/if he gets better. Also, would there be an optimal temperature for the healing process? Any advice would be greatly appreciated...I just couldn't let this beautiful guy die unloved in the pet shop! He has so much potential!

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