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my baby trees...

17 years ago

I planted four trees and I have no idea what to do with them. Can someone here help me?

1. I planted a ginko tree about 10 years ago. It's still only about 4 feet high. Is this normal?

2. Three years ago I planted a little pine. It was very tiny. It's growing well. About 2 feet high. Do I need to prune it or anything? Should I just leave it alone?

3. I have a Japanese Maple. I got it when it was very tiny and now it's about 4 feet tall. I staked it this year because it seemed so flimsy. Is this normal? Should I be topping it or trimming it or anything?

4. Two years ago I planted a Kousa Dogwood. At least that's what the lady from the garden club told me it was. It really doesn't look like anything and is very sprawly. The lowest branches nearly touch the ground. Should I cut them off, or will they grow taller with the tree. It's about 4 feet high. It hasn't had any flowers yet.

Do these trees sound like they are growing properly?

Thank you so much for your help.

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