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Morning Shade/Afternoon Sun - what should I plant?

17 years ago

I'm a "fairly" new homeowner and want to finally get started on my garden. I planted some spring bulbs in a small portion of my front yard last fall and I really loved the results (although I was too enthusiastic and everything was overcrowded, but still very pretty). Now, I want to expand my horizons and start planting summer & fall blooms too.

The area on the west wall of my house is just screaming for some plants (its 4ft x 50ft). My Problem: the area is shaded by the house next door for most of the day except for the three hours of direct, unobstructed sun it gets during late afternoon (usually from 2pm-5pm). But then, right back into the shade as the sun keeps moving.

Since I'm looking for summer & fall color I'm hoping that the intensity of the sun during these months will make up for the short duration of direct sunlight. I live in the Midwest where it gets really hot & humid during the summers with very few cloudy days.

I want to approach my garden design a little better this time since I over-planted my spring bulbs (oops). I've been searching the web, visiting the library and keeping magazine clippings but I dont know what to plant in my "problem" spot. Could I get away with full sun? If not, should I look for Part Shade or Part Sun plants? Is 3 hours of direct sun too much for Full Shade plants?

Please help :-(

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