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WS with preschoolers

15 years ago

Take six juice jugs.

Twenty preschoolers.

A bag of dirt.

Donated seeds (thanks everyone!)

and... it's magic!

The kids loved it. I loved it. My daughter showed her friends what to do and pretty soon they were all merrily dumping dirt in their containers and sprinkling their seeds. We misted with spray bottles and stuck 'em outside. Raccoons investigated the first batch so I took the remnants home and am about to salvage them. Fortunately I have plenty more seeds. Those and the ones we did today I am keeping at home to keep the critters away from them, and will return them to the school when it's time plant out our HOS. My daughter is looking forward to being the official reporter to the class on winter sowing status.

I gave the teacher a copy of Trudi's brochure and links to the web site. Something tells me there is going to be a run on clear milk jugs at the local grocery store!

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