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Etoile de Lyon, whole plant pics

There aren't enough whole-plant photos of roses in general, but this tea particularly deserves some, being, hands-down, the best-looking shrub of the whole lot in my garden. The structure and leaves are always flawless, which makes up totally (in my eyes) for the blooms being so easily marred by rain or mist. But that's not so often here (1st flush, some years), so all is good. Another aspect of Etoile de Lyon is that it is effectively a white rose in my garden (sun, sun, sun here in Livermore). To get the yellow color, you have to cut it and bring it inside. The rare all-day gloom of the past few days made even the garden flowers more yellow. The shrub is about 6' tall and at least 10' wide.


Another side:


On the shrub, yellower than usual:


In the house a few days, yellowest of all:


Le Pactole is the same, color-wise. Here's its yellow phase, after a few gloomy days:


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