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What would you do this fall with shredded leaves?

Last fall I shredded my oak and hickory leaves with my mower and DR shredder Vac. I spread them deep on one section of my garden where I planted this year. All was great!

I didn't turn them under, just left them on top. I laid off rows and planted, then pulled the leaves back when the plants were big enough.

The other section of my garden has been planted in Crimson clover and buckwheat for 2 seasons. I only mowed that section with my tractor and left on top. I just spread the seeds and lightly tilled with my harrow to get them in. I had a very good stand. Not a fully covered growth because of the other crop residue, but no weeds.

I have a crop of buckwheat that is almost ready to mow now.

I'm thinking of turning it under with all of the other residue. Then adding my fall leaves to the top and planting there next year.

Good idea or add them to the already mulched side and replant there next year?

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