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Perennials in 'raised' gardens?

17 years ago

I have a questions about "raising" garden beds.

I am in Northern Ontario - Zone 3

I presently have garden "beds" (flat on the ground level) around all three sides of my back yard fence. I am wanting to build up these gardens, planning to use cedar wood (that we have on hand) and add about 10 to 12 inches of all new soil. I presently have a mix of perennials and annuals in the gardens, so those would be removed and the new soil added.

To my questions ( laughing at me....) - with the soil being "above ground" (once build up is completed) does that make a difference as to what I can plant in those beds? Will perennials still survive the winter or will the roots freeze and the plants die?

I have looked all over the place for info on this...can't seem to find the answer.

Anyone? Any suggestions you have...would be greatly appreciated. I am rather new to gardening and spend a lot of time and effort - normally to be disappointed with the results.

Thank you for any input you might wish to share.


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