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Favorite Florabundas?

19 years ago

Hi! I am new to roses this year and am enjoying reading and learning from all your posts. I'm starting to get the hang of it and am really trying to research what I want to plant next year so I am ready at the beginning of the season. Would you please tell me what your favorite florabundas are, and why? For the areas I am looking to plant roses in my garden I am thinking that florabundas are a good choice. I'm looking for show, not cut flowers exactly. It is an area around a raised deck that needs upright growing plants at least 3 feet high, up to 5 feet. People have told me that since I am in CA that if the tag says a certain height that I can probably add another foot to that. I really just want to look out my living room windows or sit on my deck and be surrounded by color, scents are an added bonus.

The only florabunda I have is the one I just ordered from Vintage, an Iceberg, that should be coming today or tomorrow. I know it is one of those extra common ones, but it is going in my newly landscaped front yard. I have room for one rose, and it needs to be a reliable one. I am more than willing to be adventurous in my back garden. Currently in the back I have a Crown Princess Margareta in the ground (doing well, healthy) and a Christopher Marlowe in a container. I am quickly falling in love with growing roses and will probably be getting more than I can plant soon. You have all mentioned the pot ghetto, which I think is pretty funny. I do have lots of room, for the moment, for container gardening, so I am thinking that some of my newer acquisitions will prove themselves in the containers before I grant them permanent homes in the garden. Container gardening is how I got started, so I am pretty confident that they will get the care and attention they need.

Thanks for sending out your faves. I am especially looking forward to hearing from CA rosers to hear how yours are doing. Crazy weather this year, huh? Aren't we supposed to have sun in our state?


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