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What is chomping?

11 years ago

I have an area next to the woods where I grow a lot of perennials. I have Helianthus Lemon Queen and Montauk daisy that are yummy treats for some kind of animal(s). I did see deer about a month ago that I believe chomped on my purple sand cherry, Joe Pye Weed, Phlox, Unique Hydrengea, Rudbeckia Herbstonne, Montauk and the most delicious, Lemon Queen. There is a cat that I see eating the nearby catmint on occasion and squirrels chomp on early spring bulbs. I've tried, planting magnolias, Deer Off, Liquid Fence, chicken wire laid flat around the buffet area, etc. The day after I sprayed the Deer Off (Wednesday), the Helianthus and Montauk were munched almost to ground level. Several stalks were lying down as if something stepped on it. The Quickfire Hydrengea nearby was left alone. Given it's summer time and deer are hardly ever seen around here at this time, what could be eating these two? My next thought is to spray water on a timer every so often.

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