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How long should it take a dogwood to wake up after transplant?

15 years ago

I picked up 3 potted white-flowering dogwoods about a month, month and a half ago, planted them right away; they are about 4' tall. I know that these trees can take a while to 'wake up' after transplanting, but I am getting a little worried-- they show no signs of waking up yet-- save for one of the trees, which has a small green shoot coming out, but no leafing or anything like that.

(I have been diligent about watering them deeply, not TOO often, but def. not letting the soil dry out to much, they are planted according to the instructions I always read here-- no amending the hole, according size, etc. They are mulched w/ finished compost.)

Do I need to give it more time? Any advice for me? Thanks in advance!

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