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2013 commercial seed swap

Sign ups are in the round robin section if your interested. we had 34 players last year and some great seeds were swapped.

This swap is for COMMERCIAL SEEDS ONLY, the packs must be seeds from 2010 or newer. Since these will be commercial seeds, you will probably get 1/2 trades but it will allow you to try some of the newer varieties out there.
PLEASE DO NOT send any cosmos,marigold or zinnia mixes (i have way too many that I got stuck with) Please don't send dollar store type seeds. If these types are sent they will not count towards your total number sent and will be returned to you.

PLEASE DO NOT send seeds that are known to have a short shelf life if probable viability time has gone by. A few seeds are good for one year only, such as onions, parsnips, parsley, chives, shiso, scorzonera, Batavian endive, licorice, pennyroyal, St Johnswort, liatris, delphinium, larkspur, perennial phlox, and any seed that has been pelleted (copied from Fedco).

Flowers and veggies are fine, last year we did both and it worked out. I did have a player that sent in all veggie seeds request only flower seeds in return, this I cannot do. If you sent in all veggies seeds, chances are you will get mostly veggie seeds back.

Here are the rules...

1. Must be commercial seeds

2. your packages must be labeled with year and where purchased if not in original packaging.

3. No more than 5 packs of the same type of seed (please don't make 5 packets of the same seed with 5 seeds in each package) I have purchased seeds that come with only 10 seeds to a package and shared only 5 seeds of that, However, I have also gotten seeds with 5 packages of 10 mixed marigold seeds. Please don't do I try to keep this swap as fair as possible for everyone involved so please only send what you would be happy to get in return.

4. SEEDS MUST REACH ME by March 1. I will send my addy as people sign up, you can mail whenever you are ready to do so.

5. seeds will be mailed out to you no later than March,7th. I have sent out packages before if a complete wishlist has been filled.

6. I must have a current WANTS LIST, either sent with your seeds or on your gw page for me to check when sorting out the incoming packages.

7. sign ups are until the mail date...The more the merrier!

When mailing seeds, please be sure to put the same amount of postage that it cost you to mail PLUS.85 for delivery conf#. In 3 three years only one package has been lost, sadly, it didn't have a conf#. I replaced the seeds but I will not be replacing if a package is lost. I strongly suggest a delivery conf#!!

I mail from the post office so stamps or cash is fine, change will be returned with your seeds!

Last but not least, I send seeds from my garden if I see them on your wants list. I do not count them towards my contribution but you may want to add an extra stamp or two just in case. I ALWAYS return any unused postage!!!

Happy New...

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