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Green vs Browns & Wet vs Dry

15 years ago

i'm around a month into my first composting experience, great fun, i've been wondering about a couple of things all feedback appreciated

a few parameters of my setup

- warm dry weather

- doing on it on my balcony so no earthworms

- predominance of shredded paper (1"x1") as my browns

- use urine for all added moisture

- using a cardboard box (bad idea, thought it'd last longer...its not, live & learn)

now my questions...

- as all moisture to the pile in added (except on moisture in the greens), my pile seems to fluctuate between a little too wet and a little too dry, I'm not sure if that gives me too much anaerobic decomp or if the aerobic decomp process can handle the fluctuations?

- with my absence of worms, aren't some maggots be a good thing as I imagine they'd do the worms thing of eat decomp excrete, even it if means my the pile is a little wet?

- i find that the greens decomp very fast (unidentifiable after 2-3 days max) but my shredded papers stick around getting discolored for much longer before decomposing. Does this difference between the lifetime of the greens vs the brown mean that i should add less browns as the pile builds up, trusting the not-yet decomposed browns already in the pile will fill in the gap? Does my using urine with its high-N content mean i need more browns in the pile usual a water-moistured piles?

thanks in advance for all feedback

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