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JD (or other) riding mower advice needed

16 years ago

I just moved from a house with .18 acres to now .80 acres so after 3 tough hours of mowing with my current push mower, i need a riding mower. The yard is flat and level, just some trees to maneuver around. i plan to use just for cutting the grass (mulch and bagging), aerating the soil and to mulch and collect leaves in fall (live in central CT). Dont plan to use snowblower attachment or do any pulling of heavy carts and such.

As much as i dont want to spend close to $2,000.00, i really dont want to buy a cheap one, and contstantly have to have it repaired as i am not that handy with motors and such. Been looking at JD's since the dealer can pick up to service and the JD reputation. So the models i have been looking at are the L series: LA125 and LA135LE. I am leaning to buying at dealer also vs. Lowe's for the service reasons mentioned above.

Just looking at these 2 models, the main difference i see and for just the $100.00 more for 135 model is the One cylinder on the 125 vs. v-twin on the 135, a front bumper on the 135 with none on the 125, and 1HP more on the 135 than 125.

Anyone have either of these models and like to comment on them? Should i be leaning toward the 135 for the differences listed above and are they significant? Am i looking at too much mower for my needs and should i just get a $1200.00 Craftsman(which are made by Husqvarna i see) and save myself $700.00? Any help would be appreciated.

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