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How much compost do I need?

11 years ago

As a first year gardener, I really got into the idea of composting. I have eight raised beds (256 sq ft.).

My question is how much mulch do I need to feed my garden for a season.

Last month (May) I decided to start off with using an inexpensive 32gal. garbage can and modified it by drilling holes through it. I loaded up with mostly grass clipping and other matter and gave it a good dose of water. I placed it on bricks and placed it in the corner out of the way. I turn it about once a week with a garden fork.

It certainly is working, but I am surprised by how much it is breaking down. My intent was to fill the can once and just keep at it with doing my weekly turns with the idea that I would have a good supply of compost to start with. However, I have filled the can almost three times now with grass clippings and it has broken down to a bit less than half the can and it is still working (compost not ready).

At this rate, I will need to have 5-6 can going to cover most of my beds.

Any suggestions?


Here is a link that might be useful: Garden status and projects

This post was edited by on Mon, Jun 24, 13 at 16:10

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