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Mechanical timer doesn't work, need alternative

17 years ago

I have a water timer where you turn it on and it is supposed to turn off by itself. It doesn't use batteries and is supposed to turn gears to turn itself off by using the flow of the water. Well, I've used 2 of these over the years and neither one works.

I don't want to use a battery op timer, so what else can I use?

Has anyone else had this problem with this type of timer.

There are several brands of this design but I think my current brand is Nelson.

Is there a way to fix this? I have city water, so iron deposits are not an issue like at my previous house.

I don't have low water pressue but neither do I have ultra high water pressue. I have moderate pressure in the garden spigot. I have only one outside spigot.

Thank you.

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