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Buying a new Snow Thrower. Confusion.

13 years ago

I am about to pull the trigger on a new snow blower. As there are so many available, it has become a little difficult determining the best one to buy. My budget is approx. $1,300. Consumer Reports ranks the Troy Bilt Storm 3090 XP as their top pick (listed at approx $1,100). Husqvarna (who subsequently didn't crack the Cunsumer Reports top five) has two that interest me. The 1830HV at $1,250 and the 14527E at $1,500. I here positive things about Ariens too. It seems that there isn't a front runner. My application is a flat, asphalt driveway. 170 feet long by 15 feet wide with a 24x30 parking area. I would appreciate any feedback and advice from experienced snow thrower owners. Thank You

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