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Stihl Leaf Blower question on product and promo.

13 years ago


Not sure if this posted twice, as I cannot see my first attempt, so I apologize in advance if this is a repeat.

I'm in the market for a backpack leaf blower. With just under an acre of land, some big trees, and getting a little old to rake it all by hand I started combing this forum for recommendations.

The Stihl BR600 and Redmax seem to dominate the reviews. Echo and Husqvarna models from the big box stores are also under consideration, but I like to buy quality stuff. Not sure if they are overkill, so I went to the Stihl website and then to a local dealer. The Stihl looks big and heavy. Have not found a redmax dealer yet. Does anyone have any recent experiences and recommendations?

I did notice that STIHL has a prmo going. If you but a 6-pack of their synthetic oil along with the new gas-powered tool (needs to be on the same invoice)... and you have the dealer register them together... then STIHL will double the warranty from 2 to 4 years. Here's the link:

However, after going to the dealer, he said the warranty is VERY LIMITED. Anything can throw it off including using gas that is more than 30 days old, or using gas with too much ethanol (WTF?). He went on to say he had none of the oil in stock and that STIHL puts him in a bad position because they scrutinize the carb for any trace of water and if found they reject claims. Regardless if you say that you kept current on the maintenance. That scared me off.

Sorry for the rant, but back to my original question. Does anyone have any recent recommendations based on the current models?



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