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John Deere X500

13 years ago


I have been following this forum for a few weeks now in preperation of purchasing a JD lawn tractor. My first trip to my local JD shop had my interest focused to a X320 with the 2 bag powerflow bagging system. After following this board for a while, my focus turned to the X500, which will be delivered Friday along with the powerflow and a 44" snow blower, and grill gaurd. My question is simply, should I add or change anything before the unit is delivered. Until then, I am not obligated to anything. I am thinking of asking the dealer to upgrade the rear tires to the HDAP (for snow blowing). Would this cause tire tracks in my yard? I don't think I need the 530 power and 540 liquid cooled as I am confident the air cooled will be just fine. I would love to have a X7xx, but is out of my price range. I will be mowing a reletivley flat 1-1/2 acre lot with a little bit of pulling as well as snow blowing a 300' driveway and some of the yard for my 2 dogs. I will be sacraficing a bit of turn radius compared to the 320. Right now JD has $600 off of the X500 only and 4.8 financing. My reason for going to the X500 is the reliability of the trans and the extra weight and ruggedness of the machine. It is only $700 more with the discount. Is this really as well built of machine as claimed? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I am upgrading from a 20 year old JD STX30 with no problems since day 1 which is why I'm going with Green.

Comments (47)

  • 13 years ago

    HDAPs on the rear for sure if no charge. Won't hurt your lawn unless you spin them.

    Lots of people like the single bucket holder on the rear... very handy.

    Get the JD seat cover... cheap and protects the seat. Has pockets on the back.

    Get the 50 lb plastic wheel weights and four suitcase weights for traction while snow blowing. You may need chains, I haven't, but they're cheap and EZ to get if you need them.

    For the wheel weights, get four 7.5 x 1/2" carriage bolts and acorn nuts to hold them on instead of the all-thread hardware the weights come with. You can leave them on all year round.

    4 suitcase weights for winter traction and to counterbalance the blower.

    Check the pictures in this thread...

  • 13 years ago

    Just stopped by the JD dealer and only $50 to swap out for Heavy Duty All Purpose Tire. Will wait to see if chains and weights are needed. Already spent too much on what was supposed to simply be an upgrade to a X320. Thia can get out of hand. I think I'll sell the house and get the biggest one they sell with a wheather enclosure and just live in it.

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    i have a JD X500 i got about a month ago. we have 4 VERY rough acres, with lots of trees aroudn the house. with my old JD L130 it took a MINIMUM of 5 hours to cut the grass, with teh X500 48" deck it takes just under 3 hours and that was the first time i cut and still getting used to it. i can tell you this, it takes some getting used to the speed response. i was cutting the roughest area and going maybe 1/3 speed. i hit a few bumps that jarred me enough to make my foot go down and the X500 INSTANTLY jumped to full speed! this area of my "lawn" is rough enough to bounce you in your seat in my Dodge 1500 4x4, even at 4 MPH. other areas that are just rough on the L130 are smooth on the X500. i personally like the green color, and know nothing about the Cubs. which dealer is closer to you? the warranty is 4year/400 hours ont eh Deere, looks to be 3 years/150 hours ont eh Cub. around here the closest cub DEALER is 60 miles and in another state. the few folks tha tbuy them seem to trade them in after the first time they need service. but that is a LOCAL thing. i have also read of numerous issues with cubs, from melting hoods to leaking oil drains. google "more hood woes" and see what you come up with. there are several threads on the issues. JD also has the plastic hood, and it will melt if you run the tractor with the hood open. btu the Cubs seem to have the issue even with it closed.
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    Comments (8)
    This is a technique that I have used to "see" under the tractor. With the proliferation of cheap cameras in phones, you feel you can afford to lay the phone under the tractor and photograph the undersides from many different angles. I used this technique to check the bolts that hold the motor in place. These cheap phone camera can be used many places when working on your tractor, or on equipment in your shop. Uses could be a before pictures to establish the routing of belts, the location of wires in a switch, many uses. Cheap phone cameras are great for this type of work.
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  • 13 years ago

    $50 for the rear HDAP swap is fair.

    You will need weights... no question. You might get by with just the wheel weights but with the blower on the front steering will be weird especially in snow. 4 suitcase weights on the back (built-in bracket) counterbalances the blower's weight nicely and it steers easy in the snow. I get more snow then you'll ever see and haven't been stuck yet with that set up. I do have a set of chains but they're still in the bag.

    With the powerflow you might get light in the nose, especially on slopes, in the summer. There's a $50 bracket for the front that you can put suitcase weights on to counter balance that.

    Best to get what you need at purchase and add it in the financing.

  • 13 years ago

    I just ordered the single-bucket holder for my new X-500 (tractor delivers in 3 days). Good move on the HDAP rears. I did the same. I also ordered the deluxe cover, as my tractor will be sleeping outdoors for the summer.(shady area).

    My understanding is you'll need to do your first maintenance at 8 hours. You may wanna buy the maintenance kit. There's a "coupon" available on JD's site.

  • 13 years ago

    silver - yer new ride won't stand up to outside elements. at least cover it with a tarp...

  • 13 years ago

    I will be going back tomorrow and getting the weights, front bracket and seat cover. I have never wanted to mow this badly before. I may even need to build a new shed to put all of this. Anyone know where I can get a few feet of snow before winter to play with? I am thinking about doing the blade but also think I can just copy a freind of mine who has the X300, and just add some size to it (I'm a mechanical engineer and have a machine shop). $700 is a lot at this point. Almost makes me think of getting the X7xx and waiting a year or 2 on attachments. They better deliver this thing or I'll be doing just that.

  • 13 years ago

    Attachments bought on the same invoice as the tractor are covered under the longer tractor warranty than the one year warranty attachments are covered for.

    That's why it's a good idea to buy expensive attachments like blowers, tillers, and FELs with the tractor.

    The blade is about $1k (with angling kit) and the blower was $1500. Blades work for light snow but if you get real snow where you live the driveway gets pretty narrow after a few plow passes. With a blower the snow is out of the way for good and a lot faster than a blade.

  • 13 years ago

    Yeah, warranties are pretty important now a days. Although, they seem to be needed only right after they expire. Hopefully it won't be needed. An X7xx would be pretty nice to have though. I do have plans to look at the 2-3000 series in a few years after truck payment is gone. The 500 would still then keep working but a 700 would be overkill for mowing my size lot. I plan on using the plow more for the dirt aspect like simple grading of high spots in the yard and maybe a little snow clean-up after running the snow blower. Never had one to know any better. Should be pretty easy to fabricate one. I would just try to buy the replacement blade from Deere and make everything else including angle kit on a rainy weekend. I'll check used ones first.

  • 13 years ago

    I have been looking at the Johnny Bucket Jr. for the X500. Any thoughts or ideas? I have minor dirt moving to do a few times a year. This would greatly speed up the proccess and save my back. I understand they are limited and not going to do much more.

  • 13 years ago

    There's no down side to the longest warranty you can get especially if you don't have to pay for it considering what it costs to fix anything these days.

    People seem to like the JB Jr. on the X5xx.

    I like the 40" JD tractor shovel...

    The power lift kit for front blade and snow blower is pretty slick also...

  • 13 years ago

    Do you have one or still dreamin' bout one? I didn't realize JD made one yet with power. I can't seem to find a price anywhere on the JD site? Do you know what they go for and are they available yet? I have seen the tractor shovel, but can't seem to find any video on it. The JB has tons of stuff available to see.

  • 13 years ago

    I wouldn't buy a Jonnybucket or the Tractor Shovel. I can rent a Bobcat nearby and do a lot more work a lot faster on the rare occasions I need to or pay a guy with a real tractor to do the work.

    My snow blower earns its keep every winter.

    And here's a video...

    From now on GOOGLE for yourself.

  • 13 years ago

    Better tractor shovel video...

  • 13 years ago

    I have had the use of a Case 580 a couple of times to clear several stumps from my property bought in 2006. I removed about 80 cherry trees (used to heat home) from 1 of my 2 acres. The other acre is cover by woods and will eventually be removed as well to replant several new trees. I also maintain a 30' X 50' garden every year. I plan on using the bucket mostly for spreading dirt in low spots in the yard and some light grading. I will inquire about both later today as my X500 isn't supposed to be delivered until Friday. It would be nice to include the power lift under the 4 year warranty. I just don't want to get my monthly payment much higher and may wait on this. I will be adding a seat cover and am considering a cart, but do have an old crafdtsman cart that would suffice for a while. Weights are still a consideration. I have seen some home modifications on the internet but don't want to junk my JD with too much since its primary use will be mowing. Honestly, my biggest excitement is the cup holder. Could never seem to manage the morning coffee and after work beer very well. The one guy with the X300 has got a cool set up, but he has lost a mower somewhere in there. I do still have a JD 2-3000 series tractor in my near forseeable future.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Where is the X300

  • 13 years ago

    I know Stefan and he is a marvelous fabricator. There's much more to his X300 frankentractor than meets the eye. He built it into what he wanted it to be and he's happy.

    A cart is a cart so you're covered there. Stuff that's pricey and bought with the tractor can be negotiated for a discount you won't see when bought a la cart.

    I'd get the power lift kit with the tractor for the grandfathered warranty cause the replacement cost of that electric actuator is considerable if it fails.


  • 13 years ago

    I will talk to my dealer today about the power lift kit. I guess it will lift and hold any attachment that goes on the front? Should I forget the front weight bracket and just get the 4 weights for the rear? Or do the weights still fit on the front with the power lift? Have you heard anything good or bad about it? And yes, Stefans ride is very cool! Frankentractor! I like that.

  • 13 years ago

    I don't have the power lift kit but I'm thinking on it REAL hard for next winter. I've looked at the installation guide and it is well thought out and looks simple and reliable.

    The power lift kit will lift and lower the JD front blade and the JD 44" snow blower... not the mowing deck.

    The front weight bracket is not supposed to interfere with the blower or blade so you can leave it on all year round.

    For mowing season you'd remove the actuator and install the mowing deck and add suitcase weights on the front bracket to balance the bagger on the back..

    For winter... remove the mower, install the blower and 4 suitcase weights on the back.

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks, I'll look into it after work and see what my JD dealer can do for me. You have the snow blower? So how much better would it be to not have to use the deck lift? Isn't that what lifts it without the power? And I'm guessing I would still have to use the hand lever for angle adjustment of a blade if I had one?

  • 13 years ago

    Regardless of the lift you have to use the angling kit for the blade OR get off and do it by hand.

    Advantages of the power lift over the lift pedal...

    1. Easier on the leg

    2. Can set at any height and hold it... VERY useful for snowblowing gravel driveways if you don't want to throw rocks and makes for more consistent grading with the blade.

    3. Power lift can provide DOWN force... useful for front blade.

  • 13 years ago

    OK! So here it is. I am the proud owner (when they deliver it) of a X530. I should have never driven it. I went back and forth on both a few times and decided just to go for it. Power steering is totally worth the money. I also played with the power deck and fell in love. Plus now will have the 47" snow blower which looking at the 2 side by side appears to be a little more heavy duty. Plus will not need the lift added. I was getting up next to the 530 anyway which is the one I originally wanted, but didn't want to spend the money. So if I don't change my mind again, I will be getting:

    X530 Tractor
    7 bushel powerflow system
    47" snow blower
    Front brush gaurd
    front weight bracket
    4 suitcase weights
    Deluxe seat cover

    Thanks to all who made this decision so much work, especially (justalurker). Let's face it, I'll have it for years. I figure my STX30 is about 25 years old and still runs everytime I needed it. I am really upgrading. I can't let my wife ride this thing. She will find out how much I'm enjoying it and may want to trade me for house cleaning. I usually make yard work look like I don't enjoy it. I haven't scrubbed a toilet in years.

  • 13 years ago

    The 47" blower has a heavier duty front gearbox. Other than that it and the 44" are pretty much the same except that the 47" is a little more difficult to swing around and get into tight places. The 44" works perfect on the X530, although JD says you have to get the 47", so you might move down to the 44" and save some $$$.

    If the dealer is installing the front weight bracket MAKE SURE you get the OEM bracket and hardware they take off cause you paid for it.

    Here's a trick for your suitcase weights... as they are they will rattle around on both the rear built-in bracket and the front one. Buy your self a piece of plastic carpet runner. Cut a piece that is as wide as the weight brackets and long enough to fold over the top edge of the bracket and go down about 6" front and back... no more weights rattling around.

    If you're going to do your own oil changes buy the JD oil filter end cap wrench. Only about $5 and a must have at least to remove the factory installed oil filter cause it will really be on there... many suspect they don't oil the gasket.

    BTW, with the X530 you can get the JD integral (sleeve) hitch for the rear and the hydraulics will operate it...

  • 13 years ago

    I'll be installing the front weight bracket (it won't be in before delivery). As well as the snow blower won't be in in time. Thanks for all the tips and the time you've spent answering questions and posting links. To think I almost bought a D series from the big blue store. I would have saved some money, but wouldn't have enjoyed yard work so much. I'll be sure to post some pics and and an update on the 530 in hopes of helping some others along with this crazy, obsessed process. I now have to see if I can make it until delivery without returning to the dealer for the hitch and rear blade. Thanks justalurker! Are you sure your not a JD rep?

  • 13 years ago

    Justalurker, What do you think about the air cooled verses liquid cooled motors on the X530 & X540? Do you think the extra money is justified? I have already counted out the X7xx series do to the fact I would have to forget all attachments in order to buy it. And the snow blower is a must. I am packing up my STX30 today to return to it's rightful owner. And my X530 should be scheduled for Tuesday or Wednesday (my dealer told me maybe for last Friday). I just want to be sure I am making the correct choice. I live in southern NJ and the summers here get pretty hot. Is the air cooled motor ok in those conditions for a few hours a week? My STX30 takes me about 3-4 hours, but with the bagger and 54" deck, that time should be significantly reduced (I spend about a half hour with my deck higher trying to spread the clumped grass),(This is why I really want a bagging system). Will it last the decade plus I am hoping it will?

  • 13 years ago

    Liquid cooled can have tighter tolerances, is quieter, heavier, and more complicated.

    Air is cheap and it don't leak... lots of air cooled engines in Phoenix (way, way, way hotter than Jersey) and they don't blow up. I have no reservations about the air cooled Kwacker twin in my X500.

    Both will last a long time with routine maintenance. I'd pay the difference to get hydraulic lift long before I'd pay to get LC. My choice was neither.

  • 13 years ago

    Justalurker, when you purchased your snow blower, did you have to purchase anything extra to give you the angle adjustment while being seated? I'm trying to figure out if that comes with it, or as an option? And does the snow blower use the deck height knob for adjustment on the X530? And yes your right, Arizona does get way hotter than NJ, just with a little less humidity (been there a few times). I spent a few summers in Douglas Wyoming and we traveled a lot all over out there.

  • 13 years ago

    By angle adjustment if you are talking about the discharge chute rotation yes, that comes with the blower. The control rod controls chute rotation and up or down on the chute.

    On the X530 you simply use the hydraulic lever to set blower height above the ground. You can use the mower height knob but then the weight of the blower rests on a plastic step. I wouldn't let the weight of the 47 blower be carries by the plastic step.

    Manufacturers seem to design snow blowers for paved driveways only and think that skid shoes work on gravel. Skid shoes dig into gravel and then your snow blower becomes a rock thrower. Blowers need to be carried ABOVE a gravel driveway by a couple inches and the hydraulic control allows that.

    The 47" blower is a lot more unwieldy than the 44 and will not be carried level when off the ground so you need to allow for that.

  • 13 years ago

    Yes that is the angle adjustment in which I was talking about. Thanks! When you say "use the hydraulic lever to set blower height above the ground". Are you refering to the control switch that usually raises and lowers the deck? I kinda thought that it will move the deck all the way up, or all the way down to the deck setting level? I didn't think I could use it as a controlled lever, which is why I suspected the deck height knob would be the setting level? And yes, I do have a 300' gravel driveway. And plan on snowblowing a 150' X 150' grass area for my dogs. My dealer still says the 44" won't fit. I don't think he really knows? The good thing is I really don't have any small areas to run it into.

  • 13 years ago

    Your dealer is WRONG... tell him to put down the JD Kool-Aid. I have seen pictures of a 44" blower mounted on an X540 and it works just fine. Same mount, same rockshaft, and same pulley system.

    The hydraulic deck lift also lifts and lowers the front blade, snow blower, and the new integral (sleeve) hitch. You control the travel by letting go of the lever at the height you want.

    For the blower I'd set the mower deck knob at zeo and use the lift lever to set height.

    For gravel driveways you might want to mod the stock skid shoes...


  • 13 years ago

    Is the pic of a set of modified shoes or stock? Thanks, I didn't realize the control switch gave an adjustment.

  • 13 years ago

    It's just a lever... you can let go anywhere in the implement's (hydraulic cylinder's) travel.

    Those shoes are modified. You can easily see how small the contact area of the original shoe is. No wonder it digs into the gravel.

  • 13 years ago

    "Is this really as well built of machine as claimed?"

    IMHO, it is a piece of junk !

    I was using my sister�s new X500 with only 86 hours on it, to cut her grass yesterday. While cutting, the bolt holding the magnetic clutch to the camshaft snapped. The bottom half of the clutch dropped onto the ground and I ran over it with the deck. The other half of the bolt is inside of the camshaft and has to be drilled out.

    John Deere dealership comment? Well you must have not been holding the PTO switch when going into reverse a lot of times so that weakened the bolt since you had to reengaged to clutch.

  • 13 years ago

    That is the CRANKSHAFT the PTO is mounted on not the camshaft.

    There must be more to this story unless it's a fractured fairy tale.

  • 13 years ago

    My new X530 was delivered today. My STX30 used to take me about 3-4 hours. My X530 only took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes and I think I can cut that down a little once I figure out the new pattern. The powerflow bagging system works very well although I have to get used to the turning radius and make sure I don't hit anything. The turning ability of this machine is way better than I expected. It is a little early to say too much about the quality and durablty of the tractor, but so far I feel it to be very well built and should last the 15 plus years I plan on keeping it. We'll see.

    The dealer will be picking it up next week to mount the bush guard and snowblower brackets as well as the front bumper and weights. I'm glad I spent the extra money on the hydraulic lift and power steering although I don't know if I would have missed them otherwise. I have a freind looking at the X500, so maybe I'll get to play with one.

    Drafted72, In all my searching on the X500, I didn't find very much at all negative. Sometimes even the best stuff breaks. I am a mechanical engineer and spend lots of time and money trying to make things heavy duty and as durable as possible. My job is to make things that don't break, in very extreme conditions. Sometimes they just do. Nothing is perfect! I have also found that not all JD sales people and mechanics know what they are doing. A lot of people call themselves experts because they are paid to do a job. That doesn't mean they are good at it. I hope my dealer is one of the exceptions. Again, we'll see!

    Summary......I love this machine!

  • 13 years ago

    Congratulations on your new machine Tubby175. I hope you'll keep us posted on your experiences, and post a pic or two. Enjoy the ride.

    I've not yet received my X-500, and there's a possibility I may cancel. If so, I'm not certain what the follow-up will be. Right now I have the "hots" for a 4wd Kubota TLB, and I'm anxiously awaiting news on the JD Series 1. I test-drove the BX-25TLB yesterday, and it's a gem. Here in Canada, the financing options are also much better with the Kubota.

    The hardest part for me is, deciding exactly what I want to do with the machine. For my initial "mowing only" application, the X-500/54" is already overkill. If I decide to landscape, and do a little construction work,,,, who knows. I'm really torn at the moment, and probably will be until the X-500 actually delivers. Unfortunately, communication has not been very good with my dealer.

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks LawnJohnSilver. I've only mowed once with it, but think I made a good decision. I'm kinda glad the thinking and second guessing my decision is over. Even up until the last minute (yesterday at 4PM) the dealer called and said my tractor was ready for delivery. I told him to wait and went to talk to him about possibly upgrading to the X540 (liquid cooled). For about $700 more I could have had one. I ended up talking to the mechanics and between what they said and what I have read on this forum, I decided to stay with the X530. It gets a bit crazy with all the choices and all the opinions of everyone to finalize a decision. I ended up with the X530 because of the snowblower option as well as the need for a bagging system. The X700 series is tempting, but with the base price at around 10k, I would not have been able to get any options. I do plan on looking at a larger tractor in a few years for other purposes than mowing, probably a 2-3000 series. and pick up an attachment every few years. I'm sure I'll have my X530 for many years to come.

    If you do end up with the X500, I'm sure you'll be pleased with it. Just don't drive the X530 and play with the power steering and hydraulic deck lift. I made that mistake and it cost me an extra 1k. Gook luck with your continuing madness and dreams of the perfect lawn mower. You've been at this a bit longer than I have and seem to be no closer to a choice than when you started.

    I'll get some picks posted when my bush gaurd gets installed (a week or two), it just seems less without it.

  • 13 years ago

    I spent the $1000 difference between the X500 and X530 to offset most of the cost of the 44" snow blower which was a MUST have.

    The X500 steers SO easily with the mowing deck on that I don't miss power steering at all. With the blower on with wheel weights and 4 suitcase weights on the back the X500 steers easily. I haven't needed chains and I still don't miss power steering.

    Once you join the hunt the bell and whistles are designed to keep us upping the anti until we run out of money or sign up for too large a payment.

    My parents taught me that when I'd have enough to just say WHEN so I bailed out of the game with what I needed to do the job... otherwise I'd have a JD 2305 or Kubota BX-2660 and neither would have done what I needed to do any better than what I bought... although either would have been a lot more fun!

  • 13 years ago

    I'm still working on the WHEN. My user name Tubby speaks of this problem. I'm no longer tubby, but the name stuck. The hydraulic deck was really the deciding factor as my left knee was mangled from a motorcycle accident and although it doesn't act up too much, it still can show up from time to time. As for price, I came in slightly higher than I had planned but still is at an affordable amount. The X700 sure was tempting though. I would have regretted it the first few years until able to purchase a snowblower or plow attachment. My X530 has quenched the thirst for now and many years to come.

  • 13 years ago

    The only thing worse than living in the snow belt in winter and not having a tractor in the garage with a snow blower is is living in the snow belt in winter and having a tractor in the garage WITHOUT a snow blower.

  • 13 years ago

    "Summary......I love this machine!"

    Well as long as you are happy Tubby175 good for you. A few of my neighbors were happy John Deere owners just like you are until they hit a little speed bump in the road to John Deere heaven. I am enclosing pictures for you.

    FYI, this is the 4th time the clutch has broken on John Deere mowers I was using. It has happened 3 times on my GT235 were the bolts snapped off of the CRANKSHAFT ( do I have that right Mr. Justalucker?). Just because you do not read about it on the internet, doesn't mean it's not a reoccurring problem.

    The last time the clutch bolt snapped on my JD GT235, the clutch when it broke away put a large chip on the CRANKSHAFT keyway. Therefore, I had to completely disassemble the engine to replace the CRANKSHAFT and rebuilt the engine before putting another clutch back on the CRANKSHAFT. I purchased my own grade 8 bolt this time, and threw away the bolt that John Deere gives you with the clutch. The bolt I purchase is still running strong. I'll post a pic of it when I get home.

    It is either a design flaw or a bolt sourcing problem. John Deere just opened up their 8th plant in China and more and more of John Deere supply chain is coming from China. I have lived in China for several years, I can attest that most of their products are junk made to look like the real thing. The Chinese suppliers are more then happy to sell you and charge you for a grade 8 bolt which is really a grade 1 bolt.

    Or it is a design flaw for putting that much torque on an inadequate sized bolt.

    I am also including a pic of me in China getting the last bit of John Deere green sucked out of me !





  • 13 years ago


    "It is either a design flaw or a bolt sourcing problem"

    I see one another consistency in this failure besides John Deere... you.

    No one is doubting the experiences of those who post whether good or bad but one way to get skeptical responses is to be factually inaccurate (camshaft and not crankshaft) and another is be insulting and arrogant in your posts.

  • 13 years ago

    Justalurker or any one person on this site provides professional info on all makes and models, we dont need people like you drafted 72 so goodby have a lousy F******DAY..I still cant belive some B****would trash a guy who has knowledge of a brand or other brands. I compare it to the tuff guy who is in the car till he gets out....

  • 13 years ago

    My only intention in my posting is to maybe help the next person along in their search of a lawn tractor or learn a bit about them for myself. Whether it be green, orange, blue, red or black. I don't think anyone disagrees with the fact that quality is not what it used to be, even with the advancements in technology. I wish, like most other americans out there, that we still manufactured everything here in the states. But that is a long distant memory and will probably never be again. But I bought a John Deere because the one I had before it lasted, and the farm I grew up on had plently of them that did their share of breaking, but got the job done everytime. But so did the Case, Internationals, Massey's, and I think a New Holland. Every manufacturer out there has it's share of problems. Nothings perfect!

    John Deere has been in my blood since childhood when I played with my first little green toy. Everytime I get on my X530, I will be proud to have one. People don't usually buy Harley Davidsons because of their quality (although I feel them to be very well built). They buy them because of the name that sits on them. If John Deere stops making a good product, the brand would eventually suffer and only be found in the history books and a few landscapes maybe.
    But when I drive anywhere, it is still the brand I see most often, and usually they are moving.

    So, drafted 72, your opinion is noted and hopefully a few people may benefit from your experience, but a GT235 and a X530 are a bit far apart in the ways they are used. I have no doubts that mine will still be alive and well in 15 years. And if I have any problems, I will be sure to post them, so the next person at least can use the info to decide if the JD brand is right for them.

  • 13 years ago

    Correction, the GT235 is a garden tractor like the X530. I just associated the posted picture with it. That's what happens when you post while at work, doing other things. Hopefully, my X530 has better days than your GT235.

  • 13 years ago


    Shoot me an email by clicking on my name where it says "Posted by"

  • 13 years ago

    Just posting some pics. I ordered my integral hitch and box scraper and will post some pics of them as well when I get them installed. I love this mower!




  • 12 years ago

    Hello Folks!
    My first post here. I bought a JD X500 this last December. Right now, I have removed the deck and want to sharpen up the blades. I used a regular Allen wrench and have not been able to loosen up the blades, going counter clockwise. I am wondering if this series of product may need to go clockwise to loosen up the blade. Right?
    Please advise!
    Thanks in advance!

  • 12 years ago

    Allen wrench? Should be an 18mm socket. Lefty loosey.

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