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Who do you suppose named *Archangel L*?

13 years ago

I was out patrolling the thugs out there & ended up scolding & fighting w/ ~ of all the nicest named thug! I've been somewhat successful keeping him in check but my old back & now my fingers, tho not looking yet, but certainly feeling gnarled & tangled from all the pulling, digging, trimming runners! Oh not to mention my eyes crossing from eye-balling the sneacky ones that travelled to other cousin Lamiums spaces ~ DK how.

So I googled & found Lois Tilton's article in Dave's Garden ~ here's a line I quote *... seems to have an evil genius of its own ...* another article *... a class C Noxious weed in Washington State ...*

The garden patch he is planted happens to be my *Angels' Memorial Place* & an Archangel plant ~ so fitting!

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