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Need some fill for a large raised bed, where to get some?


Just out in the garden starting the first of the spring clean up. I quickly realized that a long perennial bed that I have raised with a rock border is not quite high enough. I added a lot of compost when creating it and laid down another couple of inches in the fall on the top. The soil that is there is lovely and full of worms, but the rock edge is uneven, and some parts are lower than others. Plus some areas have settled.

I am seriously considering redoing part of the rock edge to get a more consistent level all the way along. I used what I had and some of it was just the right size and some of the rocks were just too small. I am thinking I might buy some rocks and do it right in the part that is too low.

Secondly, I need to increase the soil level in a portion of it. I would find more compost easy enough to find and add, but I think that is the problem, the compost breaks down and settles and my soil level is once again low. I suppose I should be using top soil to raise the soil level. Is that right?

I would be happy to add top soil, but I am an organic grower and I haven't the slightest idea where I could get top soil that I could trust.

Has anyone here had any experience in this regard that could make some suggestions?

Thanks :-)


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