HFGH Panel Failure and Fixes- Updates?
14 years ago
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- 14 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 14 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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hfgh - hf solar fan installation
Comments (11)Well... Ambient temps have been hitting triple-digits here this week (FINALLY! We've got minimal humidity [Plus a swimming pool] so *I* love it!). I've eliminated the self-opener on the roof vent and put 60% shade-cloth on the entire roof; entire south-side; and 3/4 of the front (East, blasting-morning-sunshine) side of the GH. I've also drilled a series of (so far, 6) 3" round vent-holes (covers are appx $2-3 @ from Home Depot) along the bottom back-side of the GH. I drilled the wooden base with a hole-saw and I'm keeping the "plugs" so I can remove the vents and replace 'em with the plugs in wintertime. I was hoping to generate some cross-ventilation: Cool bottom backside air sucking in, and blowing out the hot front-side top. Nice theory but... After doing all of that, the GH *still* seems to want to stay 20* above ambient (today it was 122* in there! Ouch!!!). So I definitely agree with CR's assessment that 251 CFM is insufficient! To be honest, when I had no "lower, passive vents" and was relying solely on the roof vents, fan, and open door (and Bugs Galore!) - I got the same result (+20*). Adding a second solar fan is not an option. The panels only put out about 1.5 amps (max), and the fan seems to draw 1.2 amps. I don't have room for more panels (and I'm hesitant to cut holes in any panels, anyway). I'm still 'tweaking around' with it at this point. And this *probably* isn't the best time of year for this kind of "experimentation." I really don't plan to use the GH in summer ayway, but I still want to get a sense for "When I do this, That happens..." I'm sure any knowledge gleaned will come in handy for when I *do* have plants in it. My big challenge will be the "Tween" Seasons. Late Fall and Spring. Too cold at night to leave the plants out, but still sunny + warm (hot?) during the day (I'd hate to roast 'em! But I'm also too lazy to be dragging plants in-and-out every day!!!). It's definitely still a Work-In-Progress! And I'll keep you guys apprised of my progress (or lack thereof! ;-) Oh, Good News: My Freeservers Site is fixed, so the GH/Solar Fan Page has been moved back to where it belongs (new link below, and I'm still updating it) Thanks - AGAIN - for all the feedback! -Nancy Here is a link that might be useful: 2007 Greenhouse Solar Fan...See Morea fix for the hfgh yellowing deteriorating panel problem
Comments (6)cuestaroble, thanks for the reply, according to krylon this paint does have uv protection, but of course i have no way of testing that. i will do an update video when i have all the panels painted so we can have a record of just how many cans it takes, and in the video i will document if there is any variance in frosting. and then of course the final vid (be nice when i can do that one) of the assembled GH. as to the other questions, good questions, but ya got me. and i will try to do periodic updates. thanks....See MoreUpdate: Replace front axle GT225; Failure!
Comments (13)I noted specifics and a specific period of time decades ago and only discussing direct experience with Japanese engineering philosophy at the time. During that time decades ago I was also involved in the industry with British and Italian, and German design philosophies and found all had weak points (from my myopic American point of view) but the Japanese engineering philosophy at that time was unique in almost total disregard for the intelligence of the market they were selling in to and reluctance to accept that anyone in that market could provide feedback regarding design worthy of consideration... even from their American subsidiary. And I never said BAD engineering. Engineering philosophy and BAD engineering are two entirely different things. I would never categorize bad engineering by nationality but rather would lump all the BAD engineers everywhere together and criticize them all at once. JM(mechanic's)O... cause we're the ones who have to fix the problems and overcome the engineer's compromises... whether intended or administrated. Now I'll just duck! This post was edited by justalurker on Thu, Aug 22, 13 at 20:41...See MoreSerious Windows Failure - what do I do?
Comments (22)As it happens, things have changed. The technician Dell sent came with the replacement hard drive (with pre-installed XP and drivers). He installed it - booted - and the same hard drive warning occurred. Turns out it was my second internal hard drive (that I use for data) that was going bad. It was a good thing I already had the 2TB replacement. So he put the 2TB drive in - returned my original hard drive - and all functioned well - no hard drive error messages. Now I do have work ahead of me - but this changes the nature of it. Much better scenario - but still requires thinking through. There are probably just a few video files on the second internal hard drive that I don't have copies of. I think they're still accessible - so I will either get a docking station - or better yet an enclosure (since I will need one anyway - as I'll describe later) to put it in - and see if I can transfer those video files to my new 2TB internal drive. I think it makes sense to test that drive to see what's wrong with it - if it's repairable by Windows XP (I think if I run chkdsk there are possibilities to repair some damage?). Should I do this? Or are there other methods to safely test out the health of my hard drive? It is also a Western Digital. The timing of the hard drive failure is now making more sense. I had spent the previous weekend backing up lots of data files onto this second internal 1.5 TB hard drive. I think some of those transferred Tivo files might be problematic. (I say that for 2 reasons - when I've tried to defrag the hard drive, I recall a few files that couldn't be defragged - and while it was hard to see the path, I think they were the Tivo videos. Also, there were a few Tivo videos that failed to work properly when I tried to run VideoRedo to remove commercials. Some just seemed to be bad files - of course, I don't recall which those ones were - but it makes me wonder if it's the sources of the problem on that second hard drive.) Next step is call Dell - I bought that second hard drive from them 1 1/2 yrs ago. It has a 3 yr warranty. I'm not sure if the warranty will be honored by Dell or Western Digital (the brand of drive). So I figure I'll be getting a replacement 1.5 TB hard drive - which I can either install internally - use it as program drive or data drive. I can use the original 500GB drive externally. Or maybe I should keep it the way it is now. Original 500GB internal hard drive, second 2 TB internal hard drive - and put the replacement 1.5 TB hard drive in an enclosure and use for back-ups. One reason I'd like to use the 2TB drive as a program/boot drive (or master drive - I'm not sure of the language) is bc. it's supposed to be a faster drive - Western Digital Black Caviar 2TB drive - 7200rpm and 64MB Cache that was a bit pricier, but I thought it was worth it for quality and speed. It's this one: http://www.amazon.co...ref=oss_product (although I paid less than the price listed online) I'm new enough at all this that I don't understand everything about hard drive speed. I think that a larger drive can potentially slow things down a bit as it has to work to see date over a larger area/amount of data - but that the 7200rpm and 64MB cache will offer more speed - and the reviews suggest this thing is fast. I'd love any guidance in weighing these factors as I decide which to make the primary drive. I also want to clarify what to do with this drive. I don't know how to partition. And if I did, how large a partition should I create on this 2TB drive - if it were to hold the operating systems and programs? I don't know how much room that takes - and how to be sure to take the appropriate sections of my original drive to place into this partition. I can figure out what size each portion of my original hard drive is? I just don't know which folders go into the partition for programs/software? I don't want to leave any out - and I'm concerned I will miss some folders bc. I do not recognize what they are. If I partition the drive, I gather I don't clone it - but do it in sections. I also don't know if I should format it first. Or partition first. Disk management is fairly new to me although I did format a couple of drives. I didn't get into partitions and copying from one drive to another. Does it make sense to use this 2TB drive (which I bought for it's speed and good functioning) as the main drive? If so, I don't know the order of operations? Clone my original drive to this drive? Format and partition first (in which case I'll need to know how to get the proper system files vs. data files into the right partitions). I think I know that if I make this 2TB the master, I have to either switch the cables - but since I think they won't stretch to the second hard drive bay, I'll probably have to swap them. I am so relieved not to have lost my original drive. Although it consumed the better part of last weekend, I did learn plenty - and feel more confident cutting my "recovery" teeth on recovering data from the bad second drive which only has some video at stake. Just as a reminder my original drive has about 350GB data. Thanks everyone. Lynn. PS - I did learn a couple of important things from this technician. First, he updated the bios in my computer (which was several versions old). And he told me where to go to update the bios on my daughter's computer. That was useful. It's a question I've had for a while when I see people on this forum ask whether someone has updated their bios....See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 14 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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