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Screwing Down Panels in HF 6 x 8

17 years ago

Good grief. After weeks of nagging.

I get DH to look at mudhouse's pictures again.

We have our screws with our extra washers. We go out to the greenhouse and....the 6 x 8 has a totally different set up than the 10 x 12. There are no hollow braces across the panels!

He says there is room at the bottom of each panel to screw them in but not at the top. The lip of the metal they rest in isn't big enough. The points will be visible because the lips of the tracks the panels sit in don't have more than one face.

Has anyone screwed the panels down in the little greenhouse?

Please tell me you have photos.

I just assumed that looking at photos and reading about the 10 x 12 would be fine but it isn't and I'm back to square 1 trying to get my little greenhouse weather proofed.

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