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Question about Harbor Freight 4x6 or 6x8 greenhouse

17 years ago

I am contemplating purchasing either the Harbor Freight 4x6 or 6x8 greenhouse. I want it primarily for overwintering tender potted patio plants and ornamentals. I live in SE Michigan zone 5. I plan to keep the temprature around 50 to 60 degrees with a small electric space heater (I have succeeded doing this in the past with large cold-frames).

Here's my real question; can these greenhouses be broken down into flat store-able panels reasonably easy? I invision storing it as 6 large flat panels, (2) roof, (2) sides, back and front. I don't want it year round, my yard is too small and space is too precious. I plan to use it maybe October-April then would like to beak it down and store it over the summer. Does this sound impractical or would this be too labor intensive? I'm pretty handy and have lots of tools and experience.

I have a large paver-stone patio. I planned on constructing a 4x4 PT lumber base to mount it on and simply standing it up against the south wall of my house on the patio.

My other option is to build something customized on my own, but these look pretty attractive for the price. I would probably spend almost as much money something I fabricate not to mention all the labor involved.

Thank you for your comments


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