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RIGA Pictoral Progression

12 years ago

Last fall I signed up here, got plenty of good information, and settled on a RIGA IV. I finished up with what MAY be the last major labor-intensive project related to the greenhouse, so I thought I would drop a few pictures. Hopefully the pictures work!

Breaking ground. We dug trenches for a 6x6 foundation - square and level:


Finished with the major components:


We finished in the fall, but decided to toss a few things into pots to overwinter:


Made a decision this spring to get rid of the pots and get some garden beds... so, time to bring out the shovels and start breaking up clay. All our "soil" is heavy clay.


We left the path elevated, and though it's hard to tell from the pictures the overall depth of our "dig" is 12 inches:


This is what it looks like as of today:




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