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Lizard Bedding material OK to Compost?

Didn't get any returns on a search for this. My son has a bearded dragon lizard that eats crickets, fruits and vegetables. The bedding in the cage is ground English walnut shells, from which the solid waste is cleaned daily.

Is it safe to add the used/soiled bedding to our compost pile? Would it be beneficial or do these shells contain the substance (juglone, I believe) that inhibits the growth of some plants? Is the danger of salmonella or any other pathogen a concern? (Though, so far as I know, we don't worry about the waste of wild toads, frogs or other reptiles in our gardens or compost piles.)

My 17-year-old son was conscientious enough to ask if this material could be composted, so I do feel an obligation to try to get him an answer if possible.

TYIA for any information.


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