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HFGH, it's Up 6x8

18 years ago

Well, I built my HFGH 6x8 Greenhouse. Not to many redo's on building it with Dave's (I think it was Daves) Photo and descriptive instructions. It also helped to be mechanically inclined, to have a 3 degree engineer assisting, and to have a professional mechanics impact wrench.

The house itself, well that's a tight fit. I am only 6'0" 220lb (male) and my shoulders are as broad as the doorway. I am not sure who is supposed to be able to get through that door. After putting the thin up on 2x10's (almost half the price of 2x12's) I can get in without cracking my skull every time.

I figure for benches to use some open closet shelving, (the crud they use in new houses). I plan on a 24" wide bench to the south and a 12" across the back and north sides. That should leave a 36" Isle.

I will get pictures posted eventually. I am satisfied with the structure to this point. It is small, but for price, seems to have been worth every penny. I sure do like the idea of the back to back double greenhouses. In fact after a year of using it as a single I am considering getting a second for back to back , or a third and doing a (T) shape with a potting shed in the center of the three. Hmmm.... Welll just thoughts at this point.

I still have a ways to go.

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