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large leaf shrubs to replace H Endless Summers?

WendyB 5A/MA
13 years ago

Any ideas for large leaf shrubs that stay about 3' tall?

For shade, part-shade or sun. all soil types.

I have decided it is time to get rid of my several Hydrangeas Endless Summers. I have had them for several years in different aspects and have tried *everything* to get them to bloom. Not only don't they bloom (1 or 2 low blooms a year if that), they wilt at the slightest amount of heat or sun, no matter if watered or not. And they are ugly in winter as well.

So, without getting into a discussion about helping/saving them, (been there done that), their only current virtue is the large leaf element that shows nicely with all the finer textured plants around them.

If they are gone, there's a couple of spots that will really suffer visually and need some substance, so I need to replace them. The only thing I can think of is some large hosta (in the shade/part-shade gardens), but I really am trying to avoid more perennials (trying to make the gardens more senior-friendly)

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