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Palm tree, bird of paradise, plumeria, pecan tree from seed

19 years ago

My mother recently went to Hawaii and brought me back an assortment of native seeds. Among them are Bird of Paradise (very interesting looking seed, actually!!) and plumeria seed. I am unfamiliar with plumeria in any form other than the scented lotions and such from Bath and Body Works (I can't believe I am admitting that) but I understand it is a tree. How big does it get? It will have to be brought indoors here in zone 6 I think. Anyways, how long will this take to germinate? Also, I planted the BOP about 3 weeks ago and I still haven't got even one that has germinated. Is this normal? I know some things take longer than others and maybe I am being impatient. My last question is the palm tree seed and pecan tree seed that I recieved in a trade: I have already planted the pecan trees after cold stratification, soaking, etc. according to the instructions but there wasn't a germination time on them. It appears as though one of them has germinated out of ten, but I am not seeing anything from the other nine 4 inch pots. Was this one just an early bird, or are the others probably a lost cause? It's been about a month. And finally, what do I need to do to get the palm tree seeds going? Should I just plant them? I am assuming they don't need a period of cold stratification as they are a tropical tree. Can anyone help?

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