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HI! An introduction and I'm new to roses

12 years ago

Hi everyone! I've been lurking over the winter here and in the Antique rose forum...I am an infrequent poster over in the New England gardening forum (I live in Newport, RI.) I am a new-ish gardener and stayed away from roses because I'd heard about how persnickety they can be - but I can't stay away! I am going to try a couple in my garden this year and would LOVE input. A bit about my garden - it's small, more like a patio surrounded by beds. This is my first garden, as prior I'd always lived in the city (or apartments.) So when we renovated our house 4 years ago, I hired someone to do the design and install. I love the outcome, but as I've learned gardening is, am reworking the main hot bed to be a cutting garden. And I need to figure out the arbor.

I am looking for both a climber for my arbor (8x3 white arch, very sturdy) and a bush that is good for cut flowers, stays relatively compact or likes pruning and can take a hot bed (full sun.) Pale pink in color. And since I'm a beginner, something relatively disease free. I don't mind a little spraying but don't want to be a slave to it - I have a 50+ year old trumpet vine trained up the back fence and it completely defoliates due to black spot if I don't spray it constantly. Since it's tops are 15 feet tall, I can't reach. So It's days might be numbered. ;)

I have clematis on my arbor now and sadly it's just never taken off. (Bettina, a dark purple.) This will be the 4th year in the ground and it still isn't half way up my arbor. :-/ I will leave it though and let it mingle with the rose. Hence, I am impatient for whatever rose I choose. I'm looking for something pale pink - The research I've done says Awakening is a vigorous grower but not as crazy as New Dawn. James Galway is also interesting to me but I'm not sure how vigorous it is? I am also in love with Eden, but it's slow. If anyone has any experience with these or thoughts about how they'd do in RI on a mostly sunny arbor I'd appreciate it!!

As for the bush, I have no idea. If there is such a thing as a pink double rose that is a repeat bloomer, compact, can take full sun, and disease resistant, I'd love to hear!

Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:234981}}

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