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Blackspot on a couple roses

10 years ago

Ok, this is going to sound really stupid but I have several (prolly too many, LOL) roses in 5 gallon pails from work so I can move them around to take advantage of the sprinkler system. This winter has been crazy with the temperature swings here in Dallas. Throughout the winter, I pretty much let the snow and ice water things and only used the sprinkler system when there was no rain for 2 weeks. So, out of the 30 bushes, I've noticed a couple with blackspot. It only seems to be on the leaves that did not fall off during the freezes. Should I do the cornmeal trick on just these and cut off the spotted foliage or treat all the bushes? I'm not quite certain how BS is transmitted. The cornmeal seemed to work before. My only real and irritating issue is the thrips. I have a container of Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 granules, should I use that over the cornmeal? I try not to use insecticide as I enjoy the bees that pay me a visit as well as the ladybugs. Any advice would be helpful. Sorry for the long ADHD post. :-)

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