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I'm going to pull out my hair if I have to pull one more weed!!

17 years ago

There MUST be an easier way to manage the weeds growing around my pond!! The hand pulling is driving me crazy not to mention being in the squatting position for so long makes me REALLY dizzy when I finally get up. I've posted before and done as much digging as a can (I'm the google queen) and can't find anything effective. It looks as though all the roots to the "weeds" are under the rocks. I bought the house with the pond (which I LOVE) but, I want it to look "my way". I'm kind of a neat freak and I want flowers and a neat appearance. It doesn't have to be perfect but enjoyable...for me. Is there any kind of plant or ground cover I could plant that would squish em so to speak? It looks like I'm mostly dealing with grassy weeds which I can't really identify but in one of my previous posts someone said it's bermuda?? So what can I do?

Also I keep seeing holes in my lily leaves? What could be causing this also some browning on the leaves where the holes are.

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