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Idyll 293: Its time for a new one...

17 years ago

Its time to start a new Idyll.

Ill take my cue from Sue and use some of great pictures that I took during IU3.


Comments (104)

  • chelone
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've just popped up from the "lab.", where I have one last hem to go to complete the latest alteration order. Conveniently, the 'puter is on the way to the toilet and hitting the refresh button BEFORE frequently yeilds something fun to read... ;)

    I sent Mum out for a walk about half an hour ago, making sure she was appropriately bundled up. She was moving pretty briskly; stopping to observe the birds at the feeder. It's cold and "shaHp" out today... no sign of melting in the pond!

    Norma, I'll be bundling myself up a bit later for the hound's "forced march". I may even have to dig out a hat today. :)

    Martie, I have 2 Tokyo Delights and they're planted next to each other. They are in a bed that faces basically due east, and they are protected from the sun by a large red maple. The bed they're in is actually a raised one, so there is minimal interference from the maple's roots. I urge you to click on over the GW's Hydrangea forum and read the overwintering recommendations from a devotee called Hayseedman. I followed his recommendations last fall; wrapping the canes with burlap and filling the space with leaves/saltmarsh hay. The weather was so inclement in the springtime I wasn't able to uncover them before Memorial Day. I was horrified by the anemic appearance of the leaves (think white Endive), figured they'd give up the ghost. But they DIDN'T! I had flowers on all 4 hydrangeas in that planting, even the Nikko Blue that hadn't flowered for close to 5 years. So here's the "skinny": they are reliably root hard to zone 5, but the buds are especially vulnerable to late frosts... meaning that warming spring weather induces them to begin developing but frosts will freeze the juice in the buds. So leave 'em bundled up until the frost-free date. I imagine your zone is close to my own... . When you site your's know that this is a Hydrangea that gets quite tall... 5' is not uncommon. I love mine... the blossoms are so pretty and they last a long time, turning red in the fall.

    Deanne, Martie has given you good things to ponder. It's hard to look at a home and know it is now vacant and your friend will never wander over to say hi again. I felt that way for a long time after our neighbor died and the home was vacant for a few years. It was nice to see a light in the kitchen window again. Nicer still that the new owner is pleasant and doesn't mind our cats or our dog... . As a matter of fact, we trade out use of our woodsplitter for use of his tractor, lol. So, be sad because that's what you need to be right now, but know it will pass and there will be new friends to meet in the future. It hurts, I know. :/ .

  • honey_mi
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just a quick note to say, Hi to all.

    Today was our subdivision holiday party. Here are some pix:

    While DH was grilling hot dogs in the garage at the host home, some were huddling around the fire pit:


    And or watching the Reindeer:


    Still others were waiting in line for a ride with Santa:


    The kids really love the opportunity to have a 15 minute ride w/Santa so they can tell him ALL the toys they want.

    Cute story: This little 4 yr old sat on Santas lap. After the Ho-Ho-Ho, Santa asked him what he wanted for xmas. The child replied, "Bacon". Santa waited a minute and said, "What else do you want?" Again the answer was "Bacon". Santa said, dont you want ANY toys?" The child said, "No, just bacon." Puzzled, Santa asked Mom about the strange request. It turns out that the child loves bacon but is never allowed to have more than 2 slices b/c Mom watches his diet. So he was asking Santa for it so he could have as much as he wanted.

    I just havent been up to idling. Instead, Ive been caring for my sick kitty and otherwise trying to stay busy and not think. My poor, sweet, beautiful, baby Bullet is really going downhill fast. I know were going to have to put him down soon. DH wont hear of it and doesnt want to acknowledge the situation. This poor animal is nothing but skin and bones and wont eat his food despite my best efforts. I consulted with the vet yesterday and followed their advice and bot him some baby food. He ate that last nite so I was encouraged. This morning I had to hand feed him to jump-start him to lap up the rest. He also ate two small jars this afternoon.

    Its just breaking my heart that Im going to have to say goodbye to him soon. He bonded with me from the first and always has been my kitty. Hes been a faithful companion for 15 yrs. He is just the most beautiful, sweet animal:


    Before I blubber on you, I'll run and start dinner. TTYL.


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    Comments (102)
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    Idyll #380: Patio & Deck Time!


    Comments (102)
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    Idyll #455--Fall, A Time of Hope


    Comments (102)
    Swept along in a rush of who knows what but wanted to check in. Just got back from a bonzai overnight trip up north to accompany Mitch while he photographed the preview of The Late Show on Thurs evening (twilight or "magic" hour for photography, doncha know), same garden show Kathy attends on Sat. The speaker lineup sounded great, esp. mosaic artist Jeffrey Bale, but had to miss it. West Coast idyll plans sounds great, and maybe I can finally get to one, ya think? I'm so very sorry about your friend, Chelone. Cause for sadness indeed to lose a friend in such a way. And a dollop of extra beatings for the Wrecking Crew for vexing you so. Saw The September Issue, inside look at Vogue/Anna Wintour, and enjoyed it very much. Those who enjoy photography, fabrics and design might find it interesting. Hurray to Brenda & V for meeting up and then telling us all about it, with the requisite photos (and haikus...) PM, what ghastly news. Best wishes to you and your family in such stressful times. Michelle -- your garden knocks me out, but you know that. Sounds like your Mom has all the support she'll need for the upcoming surgery, thank goodness, and from your brief description of her I bet she's the kind of patient that roars back from joint replacement surgeries. I know my mom was such a patient and has done fabulously well with two such surgeries. I'm still missing lots to comment on with this scattershot approach. I did so enjoy the French cat who repeatedly dunked his head under the faucet, and so did Duncan -- I think 'bug may have posted that. Great shot of Mary's girls lined up on the henhouse, with the ringer in the middle. Two of my neighbors are in the special ed dept of the school district, so I know how exhausting that work can be. Honey, sorry your beautiful garden has to have its boundaries redrawn and replanted. What a nuisance. But seeing what you've created, I eagerly look forward to the new "after" photos. Deanne, the bird photos continue to astound, and I enjoyed the before and after photos of your container garden. What a surge of growth you get from those pots in August. Temps continue to cool here, which is a godsend. Ein's fur is growing in on his back where he chewed himself a mohawk when the high temps hit in August, the little dickens. I'm up to my ears in little cat food cans of seedlings that are now sprouting and will need repotting, and it looks like the fall-blooming salvias might give a good show this year. Have a great weekend.
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    Idyll # 459 Fall Clean Up Time!


    Comments (101)
    Hello Idylls! After being without the computer for a few days, I hardly know where to start! It was filled with dust and dirt (I am not surprised), and, in spite of our virus prtoectors, there were 400+ active viruses. No wonder the thing wouldn't work! While it was gone I cleaned and tidied up the office, and made an especially good area for TCS to do his work. We refer to it as his office, and as there are not t.v. or toys there to distract him, he is doing a little better at getting the homework done. Garden chores are finished here now, with yesterday emptying water barrels, turning off the taps and covering the air conditioner. Time to turn my attention to the inside of the house. The guest room will be completed today, finally, and DH will do necessary repairs to the antique furniture that is going back in there. Gee Chelone, our very own Biddy Suite! Next week he has agreed to help me do a real big clean up and decluttering of the storage. Finally. I too hate the idea of one kid causing trouble for all. I haven't run into this yet with TCS but I recall this with my own two in elementary school. I think the poor teachers often just give in to frustration - and I don't blame them either. A big first here this morning: Tucker and I had a leisurely stroll around the block with a neighbour and her pup. Tucker was not socialized in his original home, and so is very excitable with other dogs, and sometimes aggressive. He has come a long long way. It must be the beatings.... Mary I am glad the leaf sweeper worked so well. I remember all too well the huge Norway Maple and the extra-huge oak at our previous house...Working on the gardens is so much more enjoyable. And with your chickie friends. Sounds like a peaceful, pleasant experience. If I just say the word "squash" here everyone runs for cover. You are one busy lady, V. It's amazing how much you manage to fit in to your life! My Gingko doesn't turn at all = it just drops the leaves, all at once, still completely green. I kind of wanted the yellow in the fall, but I guess it just gets too cold too fast here. Cyn, retirement is certainly a less stressful way to live, but things aren't always the way you think they would be. I sent this to my ex-co-workers a month after retirement: When I retired I thought: I would sleep later. My house would be cleaner. My money would go farther. My DH would drive me nuts. I would have lots of free time. I would miss working. My gardens would be meticulous. I didn't think: That jeans wear out a lot faster when you wear them everyday. That everybody else in the neighbourhood would still be working. That the words "week-end" would lose all meaning. That staying home all day with a little kid would be fun (TCS was a baby then). That there are least 40 kids under the age of five in Merrickville (where we lived then). That COSTCO shopping would fill up a whole day That I would read a book a week just because I feel like it. I'll leave you all nw with those thoughts! Waving to the many that I have missed! Don't forget your Juliejobs! Gives one a sense of progress, no matter how small! Cheers, Julie
    ...See More
  • Marian_2
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Honey, I sure do understand your feelings about your Bullet. He is a beautiful kittie. I will feel the same about my Tommy when his time comes. (((((((Honey and Bullet))))))
    Nice pics. Interesting one of the raindeer.

    This has been such a long day. We didn't attempt to go out this morning, and won't tonight either. Our hill is still too icy. It hasn't got above freezing today.

    I played 2 of my older John Wayne videos this afternoon, to entertain Nolon. Now he is watching the skating on ABC.
    I spend most of my time working on jigsaw puzzles, when I'm not doing my necessary chores. It's taking a lot of firewood to keep us warm.

    Chelone, I am sort of like Martie with the pics of the vole, espacially when I had just finished dinner, and came in to check for new posts... Yucko! ( But still funny.)


  • Lara Noles
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL Chelone, When I just scrolled through looking for pictures I thought "What in the world?" I love your mum's sense of humor!

    I've been plugging along here most of the day and have made some headway. I'm wondering where the time flies to though and why I got so much more accomplished in a day 20 years ago with three children underfoot than I do now with no one around? I think the earth's spinning faster, lol.

    Deanne, everyone here's given you good advice. It's ok to be sad! I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better but I think it just takes time.

    Honey, I know this doesn't help much but I know what you're going through. When we had to have Abraham put down a few months ago, it was such a hard decision to make. You'll know when the time is right to help your sweet boy the last way you can. That's a beautiful picture of Bullet.

    Martie, interesting Suess info. I'd love to visit there sometime with you!

    And Deanne, What a great picture of the gull. The detail of his feathers remind me of a quilt. Very cool!

    Well Marian, just read your post and that your day has been long after just saying how mine hasn't been long enough. Hmmm. I hope the weather warms up for you so you're able to get out soon.

    Where's Marie? Last I remember she was going to do dh's laundry.

    I still have a long list of things to get done, so must get back to it. Have a peaceful. cozy evening everyone...


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Eden and everyone! I'm reading along, but in slow motion. That's what happens to me when there's too much to do. I need to prepare dinner, clean the house, organize food for 20 tomorrow night, finish knitting DD's jacket, plan for our Christmas meal and gifts, maybe work on the garden if a reasonable day appears....

    Today I left a bag of groceries at the store by mistake, so needed to make a second trip back to collect it. Saw the magazines in the check-out area featuring the Tom Cruise wedding. Personally, I feel sorry for the girl's parents...but that's just my opinion. Never met the guy! I can't believe the money spent for the "fairy tale" wedding. DD's wedding was so very special in every way- and for probably less money than their cake alone. Yeah, weddings & romance still in the air for me! I hope Ei will return soon to talk weddings and shut me up.

    I've started a bit of Christmas gift shopping, but I have 6 truly impossible people left. I may bake cookies for them all. At least I only need to finish by Dec 30th this year.

    Deanne, I'm so sorry about your neighbour. I don't think you'll ever forget him, but the pain will deminish eventually and the warm thoughts remain. We certainly treasure the special neighbours we've had along the way.

    Oh Honey, goodbyes of this kind are simply awful. You've made a wonderful life for Bullet, granted at his insistence, but he has been a treasure for you both. What a beauty too. Hugs to you all.

    Marian, I sure hate to see any tree come down, no less your beautiful blue one. Last night we lost a big dead one DH tells me. I'm not eager to go out and check which one! I imagine it will allow more light for other things to grow though.

    Mary, I am imagining a wonderful family weekend with tree hunting. I miss those long ago days now. Will you be hosting any family guests this year?

    More another time. I'll try to photograph DD's jacket's progress for you.

    PS: Remember spring?

  • Marian_2
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Deanne, I know your loss of the dear neighbor is harder to take than my losses, because yours was so close. I have never lost such a close ( in distance and friendship) neighbor. (But maybe it is because I don't form such very close relationships?) I hope you find comfort soon.
    The pic of the gull is lovely.

    Eden, part of the longness of this day for me is due to the fact we are house bound on a day we usually go worship, and to eat.

    Marie, how far did you have to go to retrieve the left bag?
    Yes, the Tom Cruise wedding is such a farce! Such a waste of money! Ah yes...spring...I count the days! Beautiful tulips! ( I wonder if Ei is seeing all my exclamation points??? ) LOL


  • triple_creek
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marian, my day seemed long also, even though I tried to stay busy, here it is only 6 pm and seems like it should be bedtime.

    Hugs to you Honey and DH too. Give Bullet an extra pet from me. He is a gorgeous cat.
    Its nice that your subdivision has such a fun get together. LOL about the bacon story. I love it too.

    Eden, good for you for making good use of your day. I faintly remember my house being a wreck two thirds of the time when the kids were small.LOL

    Guess I'll go pick and grin for awhile. At least the pickin part.(guitar) I'm going to get together with SIL and a few of her friends on thursday to try to play with a group. She said there is another beginner but I am apprehensive about it. Can't hurt to try though.
    And a one and a two and away I go. Norma

  • chelone
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tom Cruise... such a talented actor and that smile! What is going through his pea-brain?!

    More importantly, why were the network stations devoting valuable NEWS time to that clown?! last time I checked there was something called IRAQ... seems a wee bit more important in the big picture. But what do I know? (has anyone else noticed that Nicole Kidman's career has taken off since the split?)

    I'd forgotten spring... thanks for making me feel guiltier about the bagful of mixed bulbs in my car, 'bug... ;)

    Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to mess around with the windowboxes and the planter. The dusting of snow forecast might add just the necessary ambiance!

    Heugene and I circumnavigated the entirety of the golf course this afternoon. I wore a hat, Norma! it was quite pleasant, and when we rounded the back portion and headed eas I could see the moon rising... very pretty. I thought about Deanne and how much she'd like the vistas and the moon rising over the big briney... . Might cheer her up a bit. MAYBE. A litte bit...

    Anyway, the cur had a a spendid time and was so well behaved I let him off his "string" for the last leg. Nothing like some treats and a stick to keep him focused on the AWESOMENESS of MUMMY, lol. I put in an hour of cardio. exercise, at any rate. :)

  • deanneart
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Evening all,

    First, thanks to everyone for the kind words and support. It is much appreciated. You are all right, grieving is a long process and it just takes some time.

    We accomplished a lot outside today before the snow comes tomorrow. Doug mowed the front lawn for the last time of the season. Weve never had to mow in December before! What a strange fall. I got MOST of the stuff from the garage cleaned out but I STILL have five pots left to decant. Im considering just emptying them out in the trailer and having Doug bring it all to the dump. LOL

    (((((Honey)))))) Im so very sorry about Bullet. Im on the verge of tears thinking about it. Weve said it here so often that it just isnt fair they have such short lives. Youll be in my thoughts. ~~ It looks like your neighborhood party was a huge success. That horse and sleigh brought back such memories for me. That is a Black Percheron the kind of draft I used to drive.

    ((((Chelone))))) So sorry about your situation with your mum. Is there any way your DB can spell you for a while so you can have some mental health time. I dont know how youve managed to deal with this for so long. ~~ LOL about the vole for luncheon.

    Martie, the only reason I have to bring in the fish is because my pond isnt deep enough. When you put your pond in make sure to make it at least three feet deep so you dont have to deal with the fishie shuffle every year. We didnt manage to get them in the house today so Ill be out there in the snow tomorrow trying to fish them out of the pond.

    Kathy, the new camera is a digital SLR the Canon Rebel XTi and Im using it with the Canon 100/400 AF IS telephoto zoom lens.

    Marian, stay safe with that ice outside. Smart to wait to get out until things thaw out.

    Alrighty, Ive got to get off this computer and get myself some sleep. Have a good evening everyone.


  • Jerri_OKC
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK, I checked photos first!!! LOL I'm heading back to read now! What in the world..... ;)


  • Jerri_OKC
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Chelone, that is SO funny! LOL
    Not much time to chat, I wish I could. I oficially reached the overwhelmed stage with puppies.

    Honey, don't give up on Bullet as long as he is fighting! I just went through similar issues with Molly. She is 10, had stopped eating and was down to skin and bones. I have a new Vet since working with rescue and she did wonderful things with Molly. She's gained her weight and strength back. Her liver counts are MUCH better. She still will only eat her favorites, which are chicken breast and lactose free milk (she is lactose intolerent like her Mom) but she's happy and we are thrilled.
    The Vet says she will probably get back to eating cat food but it might take a while. We are thrilled even if we feed her chicken for the rest of her life. ;)

    Off to clean out puppy crates. :(


  • dodgerdudette
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All.. had plans on a lengthy post tonite but had some competition for the computer so I'm putting it off till the morrow ! but I wanted to say thanks to Deanne for he camera info and can't think what to say to Honey..funny how non-cat people think that cats are too independent and aloof..right now I am typing with my left hand because one of my cats is laying on my right arm and will not go away.He drools when he purrs...Your Bullet is beautiful and I know you will make the right choice when quality of life becomes poor. My best wishes to you.

    Kathy in Napa

  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    Honey - I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely Bullet. Here is a very big cyber hug for you - (((((Honey)))). I can only imagine what a loss it will be when the time does come to say Good-bye.

    Yesterday's tree hunt was a lot of fun. I know the owner of the tree farm a little as he also sells unusual shrubs and ornamental trees at the farmers market. His property is just beautiful, rolling hills, large pond, picturesque farmhouse. Annie and David take great delight in examining almost every tree before helping saw one down.

    Decorating it is one of my favorite rituals - I can still remember the delight in opening the boxes of ornaments as a child and rediscovering old favorites. Our tree ornaments are a bit of a mish-mash, many made by the children, none of any great value, but to the kids they are priceless. DH and I string the lights, then sit back with a coffee while Annie and David unpack the boxes of ornaments and begin hanging. They are very good about giving each other the ones they have particular attachment to - for David the pig ornaments, for Annie the hummingbirds. They are also at an age when the tree is even well balanced rather than everything crowded into the front center. David told me he wouldn't need to watch any TV this week, he was just going to sit and look at the tree.

    Marian - that is a terrible shame about your tree. I wondered if the top could be sawn off and donated to a library, hospital or women's shelter where it could bring cheer during the holdiay season. Maybe just to a family who couldn't afford their own.

    Continuing the holiday theme here I made my door wreath, and inspired by Chelone included some fake fruit. I added the last of the fresh herbs from the garden (sage and rosemary) to the holly and evergreens which make it smell wonderful when the sun hits it in the afternoon.

    Our Christmas plans are still somewhat in the air, but one way or another we'll spend the holidays with my sister's family. I've really been missing the little ones - they were here with us for all the Christmas preparations last year.


    Have a great Monday everyone


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mary, your wreath is just gorgeous! Oh boy, Chelone, the pressure is on now!

    What am I doing here? I have to skedaddle and clean up the kitchen and organize dinner for 20.

    And bring in the rosemary! It's 19F out there today!

    Away I go.......

  • Marian_2
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Brrrrrr...I got up to a very cold morning, and a worse bad back! It is 13F out. Marie, why are we colder than you? The good old wood stove is doing it's job. It stayed around 60 in the livingroom all night, with me stoking the fire a couple of times. Nolon's bedroom is so far from the heat that I am running an electric heater in the master bathroom to keep him warmer. Another heater is running in the utility room, to keep the plants comfortable....:-). I try to keep it at 55 or warmer in there.

    Mary, your suggestion about the tree is good, but we live so far from town,( and on 2 miles of very rough road), that no one would be interested in coming out to get it, and we sure can't take it to them. I don't think anyone who wants a Xmas tree will have any problem getting one. Most any farmer around here would be happy to have them cut an Eastern Juniper from his field or fence row. They make very pretty decorated trees. Forty years ago we cut and sold a bunch of them. They are weed trees in pastures.
    Your wreath is lovely. I have never attempted to make one, but would have plenty of material if I were inclined to do so. I leave all the 'decorating' up to nature. :-)

    Honey, I hope the baby food and pampering will improve Bullet's health, and prolong his life. Our Calliecat will be 16 in April, and she's going strong. Maybe always being an outdoor cat has toughened her up? She sleeps in the shop, in a padded box that Nolon prepared for her. On cold mornings she 'sleeps in', but is already on the front porch to get her breakfast, and warm water. Tiger has already came and had his breakfast. He is an outdoor cat also, and much younger.

    Jerri, I sure do not envy you! What a job you have taken on! I hope your experience with your dear Molly will prove to be the same with Honey's Bullet.

    I'm sure you all remember how dreadfully sick Trubby was several months ago. He not only recovered, he is bigger and healthier than ever. I would not have given a plugged nickle for his survival. I know he used up one of his 'nine lives' !

    I sure hope the ice goes off the north hill today. I am running low on some 'essentials', like BACON ( Cute story Honey.)

    Speaking of your bacon story, Honey, when my sis and her hubby were here, BIL was lamenting the fact that my DS only allows him one piece of bacon each morning. I cook 3 or 4 pieces for Nolon every morning, (depending on the size/thickness of the pieces). His Dr has never said to limit his consumption of any type of food. I am now allowing myself one slice, along with my oatmeal. :-)

    I am not envying you all for all the yard work and other activities you are involved in. I have no qualms of quilt at all for my lack of doing such things. I did find a few dafodil bulbs that should have been put in the ground...but am in no hurry to do so....

    Chelone, I hope you and your mum are having a good morning.

    Deanne, It is only the road at the top of the hill that concerns me. Our yard is fine, and our driveway. The deck is still covered with ice and snow, but we don't need to go out there. The path to the woodshed is clear. The front porch has been dry for a couple of days.


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    As requested, knitting progress:

    Winter interest?

    Wishing for sun and warmth:

    Back to the vacuum...

  • david_5311
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    More great pictures of birds Deanne, you are a real pro. And yes, I have been birding on Plum Island many years ago, and about this time too. This was back during my wilder college days when I could have the freedom to take off and see rare birds. There was an Ivory Gull that year in the Newburyport harbor, and so we drove ALL the way from Michigan out to see it and go birding. We did see the Ivory Gull, a nearly pure white, ghostlike small gull from the far north, rarely seen outside of the arctic. The most wonderful side trip then was driving out to Plum Island. Not to mention the beautiful, forlorn coastal NE landscape, we saw a Merlin catch a Lapland Longspur, flocks of Snow Buntings, some winter finches, and a couple of Snowy owls too. For the winter, the place seemed to have a great diversity of birds, and was beautiful in addition......

    Mary, I have to say that I am REALLY impressed with your wreath. We bought a plain green artificial but real looking one, and I am going to go back and pick up some "accessories" to add like you did. Was it hard? Yours looks professional....

    I also have to say I did a doubletake on Chelone's rat on the plate picture. So where's the ketchup?????? :o)

  • chelone
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We had some snow this morning!, it looked like confectionary sugar sifted over the lawn and it blew right on outta here before noontime. And the wind swept in from the northwest, the temperature dropped, and the golf course walk was SOME BRISK, let me tell you!

    Mary, your wreath is just lovely! and served as the necessary impetus to get me going on the plaques. I share your love of decorating; it's grown on me over the years, sometimes it's hard to get started, but it's always fun. I was heartbroken when Mum disposed of all the ornaments I knew from childhood. That sort of thing is quite typical of her personality... it means little to her so what could it mean to anyone else? I have always had a sentimental streak. :)

    I wired 80 pcs. of fake fruit to 8 pieces of hardware cloth, and used 2 wreath picks as the center detail on all of them. I have to get the greens conditioned and stapled onto the frames before afixing the decorated hardware cloth to them. I have some pinecones I'm thinking of adding to fill in a few places that will show the hardware cloth/frame. I'll buy the greens tomorrow and get them into the water buckets to condition them. While they're soaking up moisture I'll tend to the windowboxes themselves.

    Gee, Marian, it's COLD where you are! We remarked today that the woodstove is one of the nicest things we've ever purchased. I hate being cold; it sucks! and it's nice to know we're secure if the electricity goes out for an extended period of time. My heart goes out to those places in the midwest who are without heat for the 5th. day!

    Gotta get Mum to bed, so I may go, too. I'm tired.

    'bug must be in the midst of dinner... no chance she could serve up 20 Happy Meals, I guess. ;)

  • dodgerdudette
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Monday Hellos !
    Trying to warm the house up and do as little as possible in the way of chores tonight- my boss and I were talking today and decided we may have "hit the wall"-hes worse off than me, at least I took a few days off working a 6 day marathon of 10 hour days. I came home at 4:30 today, so at least it was still light out for a small time ! Looking forward to several days off at Christmastime with a pre-guest day off at the beginning and and a post guest recuperation day after they leave .

    Mary your wreath looks great ! One of my staff and I are trying to find a source for fresh pomegranates for our dramatic office decorating project-the damn things are so expensive-I saw them for three bucks apiece at the grocery store this weekend. Jeesh. And I like to use them at home too-last year the cheapest ones I found were at Trader Joes. Maybe I should plant one so I dont have to go through this every year !

    bug what a nice kitty pic, and love the colors on the knitting project..

    I was going to post some pictures of my fron yard porject but I can't find the file on my computer that has the work in progress shots. I'm going to continue searching !

    Off to make some soup ..

    Kathy in Napa

  • Monique z6a CT
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Norma, I loved the photos of your yard, please show more.

    Deanne, the photo of the gull was amazing. So sorry to hear about your neighbor.

    Honey, I feel bad about your cat. What a handsome guy he is.

    Mary, beautiful wreath. I love your creativity. We have 4 windowboxes at the front of the house we decorate for winter. Hubby had to trim the Chesapeake Hollies and he usually waits until right after Thanksgiving to do so b/c the branches are good fillers for the boxes. I cut red and yellow twig dogwood from the backyard along with red berried green holly and ornamental grass fronds/flowers. We have large and small pinecones that hubby collected in Florida years ago and he spray-painted some gold. I do end up buying some greens like fir, cedar, pine and my favorite: variegated berried holly. Some of my evergreens need to fill out more before Ill take from them. We wilt-pruf all the greens and hopefully they last longer before browning. Some years we add pomegranate to the displays:

    Ok Chelone, I was eating my lunch today at work when I saw the "gourmet" addition to your table. I almost gagged. I had to go back to read what you mum said-she still has a quick wit LOL.

    Here are the bday photos I promised. I looked around on Saturday to find flowers-these are about the only ones left:




  • babs_clare
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry this took so long! I hope each of you had enjoyable bdays.





  • veronicastrum
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello all! We finally made it to Napa; checked into our hotel at 1:30 am CA time Saturday morning! But we had a couple of fabu-fabu days with amazing weather, great wine, good food and all around fun. We did a balloon ride Sunday morning - something I've always wanted to do, and it was all that I expected and more. We visited Copia, a center for food, wine and culture, and saw the most amazing thing on display there - a genuine Frisbie Baking Company pie tin. We sampled lots of wine and the fun will continue as the UPS shipments roll in this week.

    I did suffer a severe attack of "zone envy" when I encountered a chest-high rosemary plant in full bloom. Instead of staying, I came home to waist-high banks of snow. All was mostly well at home - Sunrise had snuck down to the basement and expressed her displeasure with our absence in a MAJOR way. Unlike Chelone I did not take photos! (Nice rat, girl!) I'll have to remember to blow out all the candles before bed, though.

    Well, I have to unpack, pack lunch, prep the coffee for tomorrow and get the dogs out one more time, so I'd better go. It ended up being a short trip but I'm very glad that I did get to go. Now I'll be immensely jealous that DH is there the rest of the week.


  • chelone
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A quick, frosty good morning to everyone. Looks like seasanable weather is here for the long haul. I will now feel better about bundling up the Hydrangeas, but NOT before the brush goes into the windowboxes! Monique, that is such a pretty tableau. I've always wanted one of those varigated hollies, too! (was told there were too "flashy"... uh, like, YEAH).

    Meant to tell 'bug how much I love the color of the sweater she's working on; that yarn is just amazing. And I'm thanking my lucky stars I've not learned to knit... one expensive addiction is enough (the price of quality yardgoods is frightening, IF you can find them).

    I've had to laugh at our kitties, too. The elderly one, Floey, has refined the pursuit of sun patches around the house to a high artform. She is 16 and is beginning to manifest the thin "topline" that hints at reduced kidney function. We know the decision looms, but she is still comfortable, with glossy fur, and bright eyes. We baby here and accomodate her. It's the hardest decision to make, but one I've never shied from, personally. I usually taken them in before it hits crisis point. Honey, I'm thinking of you... it's hard, I know.

    OK, time for another cuppa and then makin' sure Mum is dressed and rallied for the "most important meal of the day". (no voles today).

    Later, pals.

    (nice to see Babs., if only in a drive-by...)

  • martieinct
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good freezing morning.

    Love the wreath and windowboxes and descriptions of decorating yet to come. I was always a no-frills kinda gal until I had to have my first husband's family (read 30 Italians) over for Christmas Eve Day. It became apparent that something needed to be done, so I lurched forward into all out decorating mania. My taste has changed somewhat, but I still like "real" decorations and try to use "real" things whenever possible. I can send you Pomegranates, Kathy, but they cost $1.50 each out here so there will be exactly three in the decor this year :-)

    Though not a birder, and not one to recognize species, I appreciate their habits and the fact that they always seem Happy!! I love looking at the pics.

    Hi to drive byers!!!

    This week is nutso on the work front. Many, many, many changes in the offing. I happen to like change (no, not a politically correct statement but the honest truth) as long as it grows the business and thus my pocketbook. LOL In this case it seems all good, but it is a lot of work and "good stress."

    Marie -- That sweater just says "come cuddle." Thanks for the update! I get addicted to things like knitting easily so am staying away from the needles.

    Running, sipping cuppa and reading research before 8:30a ......

    Best to everyone -- Stay Warm.


  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    More gorgeous cards - thank you Babs and Monique. You guys are the best!

    David - I found it fairly simple to put the wreath together using the thin green florist's wire to wrap around the base, holding everything in place. The fruit I wired in individually. The small orange fruits are actually mini pumpkins left over from the fall decorations but they seemd to work. I think you'll have fun doing yours.

    GB - the knitting is fabulous. What an amazing sweater it will be when finished. So what was for dinner last night? I imagine something warm and hearty with the wood stove burning.

    Monique - I lOVE your windowbox. What a great idea to use wilt-pruf. As is Chelone's method of conditioning the evergreens by soaking in water. I learn something new here every day!

    I'm actually rather a novice at decorating but do enjoy it. I love using anything fresh or dried from the garden. I remember from past years Deanne and Cynthia having some lovely holiday decorations - perhaps they'll share some again this year.

    V - glad you had a great time on your mini vacation. Those UPS shipments will be fun to have over the holidays. DH has been to Napa many times on business - perhaps next time I'll join him.

    Martie - I'm someone who likes the challenge of change too. It can keep things fresh and interesting. Glad yours seem positive.

    Yesterday DH had his widsom teeth out - for anyone who's undergone that they know the misery. I hope he feels better today. Tonight David is ringing bells for the Salvation Army with Cub Scouts before his Karate class, then tomorrow is Annie's Orchestra concert.

    Time to head out for another day - a snowy one here.

    Happy Tuesday


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A clear cold morning here and very pretty as well. Somehow it has arrived quickly though. Last night's festivities ended late and it was 1AM before the kitchen was tidied up and I got to bed. Soon there will be the delivery of Charlotte's raw food diet, so I am up and dressed and soon to make breakfast for DH.

    For those curious, DH's students get the same menu each year: appetizers/nuts with juice/beer/wine. (They usually bring the wine) Then store bought lasagna, both vegetarian and meat types, salad and garlic bread. (also store bought) Then vanilla ice cream with fudge or butterscotch sauce and various festive sprinkles. It is not imaginative, but it is easy on the cook and frankly delights them. For some it is the first time in a North American home, often the only time they will be entertained by a professor. Their assignement is always to bring something interesting to share with the group, so many sweet stories are told. Last night we heard Persian music, saw a highschool prom photo from 2002, studied an intricately carved coconut shell from Bangla (as in Bangladesh) and much more. One fellow sang a sea shanty from Nova Scotia...very brave as it was the first time he ever sang in public! This year the largest portion of the group is from Iran and what an impressive and handsome lot they are!!! Their sense of humour was wonderful too.
    I think today will be a lazy knitting day...before leaving for physiotherapy on my foot once more around dinner time. This foot is totally frustrating my life style. I cannot walk much, exercise, etc. I do not detect improvement even though I spent over $500 on orthotics and more on shoes, physio, etc. Oh, sorry I'm whining. Enough of that!
    I am hoping sometime this week to get to the nursery to buy such things as a wreath for the barn door, a tree, ribbon for decorations (usually gold) and perhaps a festive plant as well. I should send a few cards, but that is a job not a joy for me. I prefer to write or visit or email when the spirit moves me. In some cases (DD's in laws), the spirit simply does not move me at all, but necessity rules. Sending cards to neighbours seems ridiculous. Much better to give them a hug or cookies, no?

    On that note, away I go.
    'bug, in semi-Scrooge mode

  • david_5311
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am checking in once more, so many great pictures and BD cards, thank you all. Monique, I LOVE the beautiful closeup of 'Polar Ice' -- that is a plant that must find a spot in my garden. You folks have all become such artistic photographers. I also love your 'greens of the season' windowbox -- it is beautiful amd makes me think about doing this myself. We don't have any windowboxes, but maybe a big urn by the front door???

    Babs, thank you for the great cards too. Why that looks like a very happy euphorbia at the center of your group. I wonder if it is, and which one? I brought some beautiful big plants of E. x martinii back from Seattle (in my suitcase -- no hitches). I planted them out in the most protected spots in the garden, and so we shall see how they do. I know Marie grew that one for a while, but I think it eventually succumbed.

  • honey_mi
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just a fly-by here. Altho it was a pain sweaping the couple inches of snow off the drive and walk, I like seeing the snow. If it has to be could, I'd rather have SUN and snow than gray and dreary.

    Bullet is eating the baby food and seems to be holding his own for the moment. So that's good news.

    I'm waiting for my friends to pick me up. We're off to our annual trek to the tony-town where David lives for a luncheon, craft show and visit to a couple of holiday decor specialty stores. This yr., the xmas home tour is on another day (drat), so we'll miss that. Then DH and I have our subdivision annual mtg. tonite.

    So I'll read up tomorrow and be back. TTYL,


  • deanneart
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone,

    Just thought youd all get a kick out of the drama here getting the fish in the house last night. Yes, I did say last night. So Im totally the procrastinator and this morning the pond is ice covered so Id say I left this until the very last minute. The real problem with trying to catch the fishies at night is that the bottom of the pond was covered with leaves and pine needles, it was dark out and the fish were burrowing down into the dark depths. Well couldnt see them at all and it was cold and all the water that got on the rocks froze instantly so I slipped and almost took a very cold and unnecessary dip into the pond. Needless to say it wasnt a fun time but the mission was accomplished and they are indeed in the house tucked into the 150 gallon aquarium. The interesting thing is that two of the fish were longer than the large bucket I put them in. I thought these fish were as large as they were going to get but I was apparently incorrect in that assumption. Someone please tell me that Shubunkin goldfish dont get any larger than a foot long?

    Monique, I just love your windowboxes! So very pretty. Ive not done one little bit of decorating yet. Im hoping that I get in the mood soon.

    And Mary! That wreath is just gorgeous! I love it. You did a fantastic job! ~~ Oh dear, your poor DH with the wisdom teeth! That was just about the worst pain I ever had. Mine were impacted to the point where they had to cut them in half below the gum line in order to get them out. Nasty business. I sure hope he has some good pain meds and that hes feeling better soon.

    Chelone, Im looking forward to seeing your finished decorations.

    David! You drove from Michigan to Plum Island to see an Ivory Gull? I love it! There seems to always be something going on at Plum Island and I want to spend more time down there. Its only an hours drive for me. Right now theres an immature Snowy Owl there and quite a few Northern Harriers. I sure wish Id had my camera out when the female was soaring over the marsh grass. What a sight. I believe there are Snow Buntings there now as well but I didnt see any when we were down there. I was out in the back yard trying to get some good shots of the garden birds but didnt come up with much. It was cold as heck out there and the light was pretty much gone by the time got outside. Im really pleased to see a lot more House Finches this year than weve had the last two. I also havent seen any evidence of that Finch Conjunctivitis we had in 04. This fellow posed nicely for me for a minute or so.

    Babs, great to see you drop in! We miss you here. Hope everything is going well for you and family. Hows your MIL doing lately?

    Hey V! Glad to hear you made it to Napa. Sounds like you had a great time. What a slap in the face to come home to all that white stuff.

    Marie, Love that sweater! That is going to be gorgeous. I think I need to learn to knit so I can make myself something like that. ~~ Sounds like a good time was had by all last night. Neat! ~~ Now about that foot thing, I had a bad problem with my feet before I lost the weight and my PT told me that I had to have footwear on 100% of the time when I was on my feet up to and including if you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom you still have to put on shoes that have the correct padding and support. Mine did not heal up until I became faithful about always wearing my shoes. A huge pain in the neck as I like to go barefoot a lot but that is what it took.

    Speaking of feet problems, so how is T doing as I believe she had the same situation? And how are you doing Ms T? Miss your posts here. Hope you are just busy with the twins and Christmas preparations.

    OK I really have to get out of here and get to the gym. I wish someone had a pill I could take that would shut off this eating thing I have going here. This time of the year is an absolute bear. Its like my old body wants to hibernate and is telling my hunger centers that I must pad on some fat stores for the winter only I already have plenty of that!

    Have a great day everyone

  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Morning all, Im able this a.m. to peek in here. I am unbelievable busy at work and our personal schedule isnt any better.

    We had a rude awakening this a.m. I was in the shower and DH came in to tell me that the sheriffs office had called. Of course a dozen bad thoughts ran through my head. Actually they were calling to tell us that there was a burglary a few miles from us and that they caught one but that the other one was on foot. They felt he would be headed to a town that would put us in his path. We ran out and got the keys out of the cars and the 4 wheeler. I called right before we left for work to see if they had caught him and they hadnt. We felt a little weird leaving.

    Its been cold here, but we havent received any snow. It is supposed to warm up into the 40s today.

    Mary, I love your wreath, you did a great job with it. I purchased a new one this year that is very similar to yours. I went to the grove and cut greens to add to a pot that I had this summer with a dwarf Alberta spruce in it. I added a little fruit around that as well. Great minds think alike huh?

    I have to show a picture of the urn that I bought for our tree. Its actually an urn that can be used as a garden urn, but also came with an adapter that fits the Christmas tree into it. It really gives my tree a grand look.

    Monique, fabulous window box.

    bug, your DD will love that beautiful sweater.

    Honey, I was sorry to hear that Bullet is declining.


  • chloehoover
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Drive by waving.... somehow I just can't find the time and home p.c. is dying (Santa Claus listening...?) --
    quick hugs to Honey -- I hope Bullet improves...

    I see I've missed more birthdays - I feel such a slacker. Good intentions keep being stolen from me - Im not up to midnite readings (esp. when the home p.c. wont cooperate).

    It is such a cheer to pop in to see wonderful photos, humor and decorations - maybe I'll get in the spirit too & pull the stuff out this weekend.

    Mary - that wreath is wonderful!


  • chloehoover
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, a quickie - Happy Birthday to All! (Group Birthdays now....)


  • chelone
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I cracked up at the notion of Deanne's "mission of mercy"... it has all the hallmarks of being a drag. Do you have to inventory the fish to make sure you haven't forgotten one/two?

    Monique, I meant to ask you about the pinecones, do you wire them onto a pick that you sink into the soil or do you just artfully place them in and amongst the greens? Wilt-Pruf is great, huh? (I made the arrangements in the "lab." and sprayed them there, too... DUH, it's a drag to get off mirrors). I love the grass, BTW... I like to use them, too. And EVERY year I survey the cattails in early/mid summer and think, "if I had a lick of sense I'd cut some and spray them with sealant"... but I never do! and I deeply regret my sloth at this time of year (esp. after seeing Michelle's handsome fall planter); I also look longingly at the sumac, but can never bring myself to stop and cut that, either. The brush for our windowboxes is STILL next to the fence, I ran out of time again today. :/

    Mary, did you use a floral pick to insert into the pumpkins? I've tried them and failed miserably (did too much swearing), so I now use an awl, the hot glue gun, and 3/4" screws, around which I wind the florist wire. I don't believe I know what instrument Annie plays... what will the evening's program be? (We have been listening to inappropriate and downright ribald spoofs of Christmas carols at work. And, heading into year 3 with them, we're still screaming with laughter at the cleverness of the parodies. LOL (totally my kinda humor).

    I'm liking the image of the Christmas tree in the urn, Michelle... how elegant. The helpmeet is terribly proud of his "Swivel Straight Plus", however... and no amount of cajoling will change his mind. :)

    One good thing about marine canvas and awnings is that this is the time of year we rarely have to "hurry" on anything! (that happens in the growing season). I blew out of work at 2 punctually, did a couple of errands and hot-footed it to the nursery that carries the nicest selection of cut greens. I bought boxwood and native cedar, hurried home and filled buckets with water. I then herded Mum out the door for some exercise and fresh air, played with Wrecks, and came in to see what all of you have done today. ;) . I will clip the stems and smash them tonight and leave them soak up water over night. I'm hoping to get rolling on the assembly tomorrow night. I'd be STOKED to get them up by the weekend... could be wishful thinking, but who knows.

  • dodgerdudette
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good evening Idyll-ers..
    I came home at 3:30 today to meet the carpet - measuring guy for my home office project. (DD'd former bedroom-carpet is 10 plus years old and trashed to boot) . Man, I have all these projects lined up and there's no way I'm going to get all of them done before Christmas.One must remain calm at all times.

    I went outside today and noticed that my Lady Banks rose is blooming- hasn't dropped its leaves yet either. Crazy.

    V ! wow what a brief trip you had...but glad you got to visit Copia. You may have noticed that there is alot of consruction going on in that general area , some of it part of the flood control project but much of it an off shoot of the revitalization of our downtown.. so where did you have dinner ??

    Martie, My company underwent a major restructureing last year, with many changes which some employees still aren't on board with. Had to be done though-we were growing so fast there was no control anywhere. I thought the change was invigorating, but at the same time challengeing and difficult. I think it will be another year before things settle down. Good for you that you can get 1.50 pomegranates.!

    Okay, so here is the front yard project --this is a before shot-notice the dead lawn and the cats laying on the string I was useing to lay out the path..


    This is my one and only in progress shot-for now anyway. I hope to have this path finished shortly..


    ...and here is a pic of me and DD in Pacific Grove last weekend


    Talk at y'all later. Time to read the paper

    Kathy in Napa

  • triple_creek
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Monique , I was going to ask the name of the plant/shrub in Davids card, but I see he already ID'ed it. I'm a sucker for varigation. Nice job on the window boxes.

    Babs, Hi. I miss you here too. I hope life is being good to you. I bet the boys are getting a little excited about the holiday looming. Hoping you will be able to join us more on holiday break.

    Ah Michelle, I bet you were apprehensive about leaving the farm today. I hope they caught him so you won't have to worry. Looking forward to seeing the tree in the urn.

    Chelone, your walk sounded a little to refreshing. LOL
    I had a very pleasant one today. I think the temp was near forty but the snow is still abundant. It made a lot of noise as there is a layer of ice under the snow. The woods and fields were quite pretty though. Lots of critter tracks. Something with feet much larger than Rebels and his are large. I'm not sure but I think they are bobcat.

    Cindy, sounds like you are busy busy. Hope santa has a new pc on his list for you. I like that mushroom rock.

    Another gorgeous bird shot Deanne. How do the fish react to the change in environment so suddenly? Glad you have that chilly chore done.

    Mary, I miss your more frequent posts, but understand how busy all you working moms are. Been there done that. I am already tired of being in the house so much. There is only so much that interests me indoors. I feel it will be a long winter. Especially since we normally have better weather than we have had this fall.

    Hey to everyone. My eyes are getting heavy already, so I'll turn on the tv and turn in. Norma

  • triple_creek
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kathy the front path is a nice addition. Love its curves.
    Nice shot of the rocks and water too. But I have to ask which is mother and which is daughter? Looks like sisters to me. Norma

  • chloehoover
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (What a record for me -- 2 times in a day to check in -- trying from the dying home p.c.)

    Kathy - how neat to see your home -- love that walk - as yoou know we're all crazy about "curvey" -- the walk will be smashing when it's finished.

    And hey, now we can all "see" ya behind the cool hat - altho Im not seeing much age difference between those 2 ladies in the pic, so Im guessing!

    And oddly, my roses havent dropped their leaves either yet despite temps in the 20s for the last several days.

    Norma - have to tell you - your garden b-day shots are wonderful! I got Indian Giver this year too but it is not looking anywhere as near as grand as the set you've got - wow. I only hope mine turns out 1/2 as beautiful in the "coming summer".

    Sue & Jerri - again, I sure wish I lived closer to you - I'd adore to give my DD her Xmas present of a dog under the tree -- she's so down about not finding one yet -- I think she had her heart set on the one she bonded with a month ago but the rescue folks gave to a "family" (like a working couple arent a family or something)... so I think she's mourning it and not being open to others they've looked at. I guess when the right time comes, one will leap into their arms... Being a maltese owner myself, I think they're "perfect" but my SIL wants a more "manly" dog...LOL.

    Deanne - Im right w/ you on the hibernation thing - personally I think I must be part bear because I think it would be wonderful to sleep til Spring (might help w/ the lb thing too - what nourishment DO bears get over winter? Ignoramous nature person here....

    Marian - Im sorry about your Blue Spruce (I think they're one of the most lovely of conifers); but as you say, a new opportunity has now opened for your garden.

    'bug - you had a most marvelous, homey time w/ your new extended family - the warmth of love and glow is apparent in all your photos - how wonderful to be part of it - thanks for sharing them w/ us.

    Ok - Im tempting fate here w/ direct typing/dying p.c. - hopefully this will post...(& yes, V, I think Im waaaaaay behind you on the reading - it's kind of like dropping into a movie in mid-run - not quite sure what's going on, but I'll pretend while I can!)

    Know I missed a bunch of other people (Hi Michelle, glad you werent burgeled(sp?)...)Woody, Chelone, Monique, David & all others - hello; just afraid to post longer from here!!


  • Sue W (CT zone 6a)
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cindy, nice shot! It looks like more than just a few of us are busy right now.

    Honey, before I forget, hugs out to you and Bullet. I lost a dog to kidney failure 6 and a half years ago....tough times.

    This week is already turning into a blur. This morning I skipped breakfast and headed over to the local Quest Diagnostics for my pre physical lab work at a little after 7 AM. The physical is next Wednesday. Somewhere along the line something got screwed up and they wouldn't do any bloodwork because they said the doctor didn't order any so off I went to work. Called the doctor's office and they said they did order bloodwork and it was in the computer but faxed me something to bring when I have to go back tomorrow morning. Jeesh! I keep wondering what it would be like to be really sick or something and have to deal with all this incompetence and bureaucratic BS.

    Tonight after work I went and picked up the rescue dog whose owner had to go into a nursing home and brought her to her foster home. The poor dog has been living alone in a house since August 23rd with someone going in once or twice a day to feed her and clean up after her. Picture a person who has been locked up for months with very little human contact-dirty, matted hair, disoriented, socially withdrawn...I wanted to cry. In addition the dog is probably 10 pounds overweight-a miniature schnauzer that should only weight 16-20 pounds to begin with. She was breathing heavy from all that weight. Well the good news is she is now in a foster home with people and other dogs. She'll be bathed, groomed, taken to the vet, put on a diet, refreshed in her housebreaking habits and then hopefully placed in a forever home. Unfortunately she's ten and a half so a home may not be easy to come by but we'll find one. In six months you won't recognize this dog. Keep your fingers crossed that her vet visit won't uncover any serious issues like bladder stones and she won't require extensive dental work. Our little group is thinly funded right now.

    Kathy, which one is you and which is your daughter?

    Deanne, great shot of the little house finch.

    OK, I'm about ready to turn into a pumpkin. My company Christmas party is Friday night-dinner with close to 300 of my closest friends and another lateish night out.


  • Marian_2
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay...this is a guessing game. I am saying the gal on the right is Kathy. Will the one who gets it right win a prize?

    The roads are clear, and I went to town this forenoon. Nolon chose to stay home. It was a nice day at the Golden Year's class, and I have once again restocked the larders.

    My next trip is scheduled for Friday when I am going in for a checkup at my Dr. I have a lot of questions to ask about my present condition. My continuing loss of weight is making me think something is going on.

    Sue, I'm sorry about the mixup at your dr's. I hope mine will not turn out like that.

    Re: the Blue Spruce...they must not be too successful in this area. I looked for some in people's yards on my way to town and in town, and there are not hardly any. I still plan on planting another. I agree with Cindy, they are one of the most lovely of conifers.

    It's been windy all day, and continues to be so, but much warmer. Not supposed to get down to freezing tonight.


  • dodgerdudette
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Aw heck you guys, you are all too nice ! DD is the short one on the right. Floppy hat is me. Close ups would reveal the age difference!
    Sue, you and Jeri are so admirable in the dog rescue work you do. I have always felt like a pretty strong person but don't know if I could handle the things you are exposed to. I have decided though that any further pets I own will be adopted from the pound, or rescue pets.

    Cindy, all my beds are curvey ! My friend around the corner is loaning me her gardener dude to finish my walk( the young fellow doing mine got a "real" job and is thus unavailable ) and I hope to have it done before Christmas.

    And Monique, loved your Daphne pic- I noticed today that mine is budded and will probably be in bloom in a couple of weeks-what a wonderful scent !

    Later all.

    Kathy in Napa

    See you all tommorow !

  • yeonasky
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Belated Happy Birthday Mary, David, and Saucy, from me and Juliette.


    Mary my DD, Alena is getting her wisdom teeth out too, so shell be joining your DH in his misery. Hope he feels better quickly. For some reason I still have two wisdom teeth in. Fortunately they never bother me.

    Have you ever tried coconut flour? It's said to be equal to wheat flour in baking, with no gluten. I haven't tried it, but as I avoid most wheat bread due to the sugar content, I'm always looking for alternatives for pies, pizzas and cheesecakes, etc. I think you must use eggs to help with the rising, and less water than for wheat flour, but I'm willing to try it. There are some recipes on the Internet that I'm thinking of trying. There's a few coconut flour cookbooks for sale online too.

    GB, have you heard of this way of stretching to ease the pain of your Plantar Fascitis? I hope it helps you or something does soon. I hate pain and try everything to stop it. I had heel spurs which calcium, and magnesium helped enormousely with, but nothing but stretches helped my carpal tunnel problems. Good luck.

    ((((((((Deanne))))))))) I'm so sorry for your loss, of your dear friend and neighbor. I think it's a great idea to plant something in your neighbor's honor. I think the benches in parks, donated in people's name is so neat. Maybe a little area named for your neighbor, or stepping stones where he walked with you, with his fave poem or saying etched on them. I know I'm saying too much, as usual, and too soon. I'm sure he'd simply want you to live, love and laugh well in his honor. I love your pics as usual, btw.

    Hi to everyone else. I'm falling asleep at the wheel here, so good night to all, and to all a good night's sleep, per chance to dream a little dream...


  • martieinct
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good tangerine morning. The sky exactly matches the fruit I'm munching for breakfast while "visiting." So good to see Yeona and Cindy and everyone else who's been busy real rather than cyber gardening. LOL And -- I'm thrilled, David, that you've been dropping in more because we are in the same gardening position: Beds ready, lots of plants, what to do????

    Thanks to all for allowing me to enjoy the joys and sorrows of being a vicarious pet owner! It doesn't have the same tactile delight of petting, but it's close.

    It sounds as though everyone's holiday season is in full swing -- parties, concerts, bells. Fun! Does anyone else get the feeling that this season is a bit less "commercial" than others? I drove by a ma(u)ll on the way home last night and it was almost empty. Last year at this time it was jammed. Hmmmmmmmm

    Marie - Your house sounds like a haven for your company! I know the feeling and there's nothing like it, is there? I've found that international students are overwhelmingly charming, considerate and great conversationalists. They also have an amazing ability to adapt. All people their age should take note. I've become convinced that they don't come for the food -- anything could be served and the socializing is really what's important to them. And to be in a home rather than "housing." Glad it was a good time! Kyle suggested that we start a house guest book and we will do that for Christmas. It'll be interesting to see in 20 years who we had for dinner :-)

    Thanks for the pics, Kathy!

    Bummer about the blood work, Sue. Won't get into the "couldn't they have called the doctor?" routine because chances are you were fasting and it was early?? I get everything in writing now when I'm sent for outside work for this very reason. The people in the system have all good intent; the system itself makes it hard for people to get better.

    And speaking of which: I had a coherent 20 minute conversation with my DB for whom I am Conservator last night. He was lucid, had his finances (all $37 of them) in order in his head, has decided to join a walking group at the hospital and got special dispensation to do so though his "level" shouldn't allow it, and will be playing Santa at a Christmas party for the hospital volunteers. Two long years ago he could barely speak beyond asking for a cigarette or Dunkin Donuts Latte. If he did communicate it was through uncontrolled violence and really disheartening attention seeking behavior. He will never be "better" enough to live in the community, but he actually laughed yesterday -- something I haven't heard in literally months.

    "All about me" is turning into the deal, here, so will fly off and check in later.


  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    Cindy - thank you for your beautiful card. Its always nice to hear from you. We won't be heading to DC this Christmas but will save our trip for Easter. Ruth and her family are coming up here for close to a week so we are all very excited.

    Kathy - I too was wondering which of the other/daughter do you were;0) I love the front of your house.

    Sue - this was a dog rescue in the true sense of the word. I hope she finds a wonderful home after all she's been through. Commiserations on the frustrastions of the medical system.

    Michelle - scary to be called that way by the sheriff. Hope the burglar was apprehended before nightfall - I'd ahve been very uneasy in bed otherwise.

    Chelone - I just wired the stems of the mini pumpkins and used a few globs of hot glue to secure as well. Annie plays the violin and the concert tonight includes Haydn's Surpise Symphony, some fiddle misic and a jazz piece in which she will be improvising on an electric violin. Could be interesting.

    Yeona - Juliette is beautiful! I have used coconut flour, but nearly always mixed with other GF starches - combinations seem to work better than one single flour. I don't know if any flour is equal to wheat as all lack the elasticity provided by gluten, and each absorbs water differently. I have a large tupperware container I store my rice, sweet rice, bean flour, buckwheat (which is Gluten Free), tapioca, potato and various nut flours. By the time I'm done with a recipe the kitchen is usally covered in white dust and various zip-lock bags making us look like drug dealers LOL! Let me know if you'd like me to send you recipes that have worked for me. Cooking gluten free is a challenge but not impossible.

    Last night I nearly froze my toes off while David rang bells for the Red Kettle Campagne. It was Candlelight Night in the village and everywhere was lit up with white fairy lights which are always my favorite. It was fun seeing so many people strolling around. I'm glad the concert tonight is indoors though.

    Today is our 20th Wedding Anniversary - I'm trying to remember which one that is - bronze? Unfortunately DH is still miserable with his wisdom teeth, and even worse, has to fly to NYC tonight. We're going to celebrate over the holidays instead. I still can't believe two decades have flown by so quickly.

    Speaking of time flying, its time to scoot to work.

    have a good day everyone


  • just_t
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning!

    Happy Anniversary Mary and Dan! I hope Dan is feeling better...having wisdom teeth out can be brutal.

    Honey, it sounds like you are doing everything possible for Bullet. I hope you are able to have more quality time with your beautiful boy.

    Jerri, it sounds like you are up to your eyeballs in puppies. I hope you are able to find good homes for all of your little furry charges.

    I've been reading along....just don't have anything to add to the conversations. I've tried to write but everything sounds either boring or whiney and I'm not willing to subject everyone to my grumblings. :oD

    I've enjoyed seeing the birthday cards, the bird photos and all of the other photos. Right now everything here is a bit drab and doesn't entice me to pull out the camera.

    We got two more goats over the weekend. We usually would not be interested in bringing a couple of adult goats into our little 'herd', especially this time of year but the owners needed to find a good home for them as the husband was very recently given the diagnosis of ALS/Lou Gerhigs disease. They are having to sell their home & acreage so that they can move closer to family for help & support as the disease progresses. They are having to rehome most of their pets since they will be moving to urban southern California. I had a friend, that I spent a lot of time with, who died from ALS, so meeting these people and hearing of their devastation in getting this diagnosis has been difficult. I can visualize much of what they may encounter in the near future and it dredges up memories that make me incredibly sad.

    Well.....anyway. I wasn't going to be anything but upbeat. So....the new goats' names were difficult for us to remember so we've renamed them and now they are Tall and Wide. The male is very........well, he is very Tall and the female is very, very, very Wide. We thought the g'kids would find the names easy and they are fitting. They have always been confined to a barn and smallish paddock area unless they were taken out for a walk by the owners. They aren't sure at all about the wide open expanse of our pasture. We've been keeping them separated from the others during the night, they are in an enclosure that allows them to see the others, but keeps them from being bullied throughout the night hours so they can relax, let their guard down and get use to being around our 'critters'.

    Finally yesterday they went out to graze with Boo so that was a very positive step towards becoming part of the 'herd'. Our other 3 goats have not given them much notice other than to butt them to establish the pecking order. To see the jockeying for herd position has always been a bit sad in my eyes as I feel for the underdog (undergoat? lol)....but under these circumstances, knowing that they are frightened and probably a bit overwhelmed, I feel even more badly when I see that they are still not accepted by the others. I know time will make it better....but I want it to happen in hours instead of days/week(s). The previous owners were visibly upset (teary eyed) when we loaded the goats to take them home. They had raised these goats from kids, bottle fed them and the goats were considered comical pets that gave them much enjoyment to watch them kick up their heels, play and interact together. To have to find homes for your beloved pets (whether they be cats, dogs or even goats) when you don't want to give them up, nor do you want to give up your home, acreage and way of living because your world has been turned upside is awful.

    Okay, so I didn't stop...and that is where my mind is right now. Being an empathetic person is a good thing....having sympathy for others is a good thing.....compassion is very good......but it all has a tendency to hurt deeply. I guess I'd rather hurt then to not care, I just wish I dealt with it a little better.

    So.....anyway.....the twins are 4 months old already, finally not being bobble heads all of the time and they are cooing, squealing and generally being darn cute! Jamie is 3 and acting like it more often than not. His mom isn't letting him get away with much so hopefully he'll get through this stage --- soon?! LOL

    Guess that is it for here....

    Hello to all.......hope it is a good day!

  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    An incredibly snowy morning here with wind. We are to have wet snow this afternoon, then down to 23F tonight.

    We have been receiving touching thank-yous from various students after Monday's party. One student sent this photo, which shows most of the people staring down at Charlotte!

    Martie, we used to keep a guest book in the house and it was lots of fun to look through. Somehow it vanished and has not been replaced. Remembering to get folks to sign it was a problem at first, but then we got the hang of it eventually.

    I am so glad you had a good exchange with your brother too! That is a super Christmas gift in itself. I'll try to get a good Charlotte photo for his gift this year too.

    I love all the photos...Cindy's "mushroom", Monique's window decorations and daphne, Deanne's finch, Yeona's royal cat, Kathy's beautiful photo at the water's edge, Babs' cards (especially the ferns!) and Wendy's gorgeous hosta shot too. I'm not forgetting Honey's Bullet either, so special!

    Mary has me in a somewhat pensive mood recalling the past 20 years. A big congratulations to the lovely couple!
    When I think of all that has happened in the world...presidents come and go, Taliban blew up Hindu statues, greenhouse gases, Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson...tsunamis and New Orleans...twin towers...AIDS...Everyone has been affected by these in some way.
    Personally the last 20 years have seen very high and very low spots. I prefer to dwell on the highs of course: the move to a rural area, my first vegetable garden, my grown children eager for visits here. Life is at a good point now. And that is my wish for you Mary!

    A happy update here is the recent meeting of a forum friend in Berlin with my son!

    And DD is feeling much better these days and will meet her DH in Kananaskis Alberta where he is handling an environmental fish disaster. They hope to take in some skiing.

    Onward with my day. May yours be a very good one!

  • chloehoover
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    T is now doing Goat Rescues..... LOL!!

  • woodyoak zone 5 southern Ont., Canada
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A friend brought her 8-month-old Briard by today to introduce her to Misty, Barb and me. I had never met one before. Shes sort of a rust-colored Charlotte! Shes BIG and friendly. She and Misty had a ball playing together once my friend could be convinced to let her off the leash! Copper is huge compared to Misty and kept trying to pounce on her. My friend was afraid Copper would squash Misty! Misty was quite capable of holding her own and the two of them obviously enjoyed their games. GB you definitely need to bring Charlotte the next time you visit Misty clearly loves dogs in large packages : -) Here they are together


    GB nice picture of the snow glad we didnt get it here! Mild and a bit of rain here today and that was all. The shed is going slowly at the moment. Roof shingles are on but the windows arent in yet. It was too cold on Monday and Tuesday for him to work for more than a couple of hours at a time. He wasnt able to be here today. Theres no real rush to finish things really but Im impatient to see it done as much as possible. We do need the windows in to keep the snow out hope we dont get a lot of that any time soon! Keep it all up your way GB!

    Happy anniversary Mary and Dan!

    Waving hi to everyone else as all the things I was going to say seem to have vanished from my mind: -)

  • gardenbug
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Woody, looks like Barb is signing "SPEAK" to Copper.

    Tonight's dinner was a Thai stir fry. Nice and quick!

    Goats! My cousin in France used to raise them and sell the cheese too. The kids (children I mean!) always got a cheese for snack time.

    Back to knitting.

  • dodgerdudette
    17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A Cheery Wednesday Hello to all,

    So I've now worked 8 days in a row.Kinda getting used to it at this point ! I guess the fact that I am totally buried helps justify all the hours ...I managed to get the new carpeting for the home office/study ordered today , and lo and behold, the unfinished furniture store where I was planning on buying the bookcases is going out of business and having a big sale. So I need to get over there pronto before they are out of the stuff I want.

    T , glad you posted your goat story ! Even though there is a sad element, the fact that there was someone like you around to help out these animals in thier time of need is really great.

    Happy Anniversary Mary- ! Always nice to know there are still marriges that last long term.

    Martie, warm wishes to your DB for continued progress.

    'bug, I like the front of my house too! Of course this is California tract housing so about every 5th house in my neighborhood is the same. I'm hoping my project will give me a little differentiation-It's definately not going to be low maintenance landscaping.

    A big hello to everyone else, time for dinner and the newspaper..

    Kathy in Napa

  • shaniclinton
    13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We are going to purchase Flower Girl Dresses and Bridal Gowns
    for my cousin next week.