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Yellow Jacket nest by the pond

10 years ago

My pond is surrounded by a RR Tie wall and this year the yellow jackets have decided to make a nest behind the RR ties. They have done this before in other parts of our RR tie terraced bank that we have turned into a terraced flower beds and veggie garden. ***Don't read any further if you don't like insecticides.

The best way to get rid of them that we have found is to aim a Raid fogger into the hole after the bees have gone to sleep at night.

They made their hole right beside the waterfall so I was concerned that insecticides could be bad for my fish babies.

I stuffed Walmart bags in the crack between the ties with a putty knife and then taped over that with duct tape to keep any fog from escaping, leaving a 1 inch opening where the bees were crawling in and out. Next I put the fogger in a gallon freezer bag and taped the bag to the wall. I set off the fogger and pointed it into the hole. When it was empty I put duct tape over the whole area. No bees today so tomorrow I will remove the tape and clean the wall very carefully so the run off will not go near my pond. Hopefully this will be the end of the yellow jackets in this area.

I am always finding them when on the riding lawn mower or maybe they are finding me. If you have yellow jackets and use insecticides this has been the best way to get rid of them. Safer than my Dad's remedy with gasoline.

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