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lots & lots of ???'s on ponds ....long post

15 years ago

Ok I am a newbie to ponds and have lots of ???'s..I hope someone can help with most of pond is is about 300 gallons and is situated on the back side of my house tucked in the corner beside screened in back porch it only gets sun til around 11 am - 12 pm daily. I have pond lilies, frogbit, cannas, iris, and anacharis(spelling probably wrong) in it. I can not keep it clean. It is not green water but have lots of green algae on plants and walls and waterfall. I have about 15 fish in it now. and a few snails but i can not get the green slime to go away...what am I doing wrong... what do i need it it??? I have a pump for my waterfall and a pump in the pond and a turtle I also have a container pond which I have no problems with algae and i only have 1 lily in it..I have a stockpond in the back for growing all my plants and recently dicovered I transfered plants from front pond to the back and so now I have about 200 or more babies in it..( have no idea what I will do with them once they are bigger..) I have searched and searched this forum for weeks and I found a floating plant that looked like a 3 leaf clover and it was not mentioned to what it was called..Does anyone know what it is called and where to find it?? I have searched all over for plants near me and noone has any the ones I have I got from friends and they are mutiplying like crazy in my stockpond ....oh yes I have duckweed that I feed my fish daily I have to grow it in seperate pond cause they will eat it all.I am also looking for anyone who can give me directions to build my own filter system....thanks for any help you can give me...

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