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when to repot seedling transplants? please help!

This year I'll be growing seedling transplants indoors. When I say repotting them, I am referring to transferring them to bigger containers when they outgrow the initial starter pots they're in, NOT when they're transplanted outside for the growing season.

I have very little exp. growing seedling transplants. I just know they are started in small pots, and then as they get bigger, you transplant them to larger ones (i.e. they're started in cells, flats, etc. then moved to a bigger container).

Somebody on this forum suggested using plastic cups.
This is what I plan to do.

Here are their guidelines...

broccoli and cauliflower start out in 3 oz. plastic cups, then are repotted to 9 or 12 oz. cups; transplanted @ 4-5 weeks. Am assuming cabbage would use same method, as it's in brassica family too.

Tomatoes start in 3 oz. cups, are repotted to 9 oz. cups and then repotted again to 16 oz. cups. I'd be transplanting them when they 4-8 weeks old.

Peppers and eggplant use the same repotting method as tomatoes. I'd be transplanting them out at 8-12 weeks.

My basic question is how many true leaves should the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant have when repotted to the 9 oz. container, and how many true leaves should they have when repotted from the 9 oz. container to 16 oz. one?

When the broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are repotted to
9 oz. cups how many true leaves should they have?

I also would like to do chard and asian greens but I know they are finicky with being transplanted. I plan to use cow pots, (no these aren't peat pots) but since they don't like being transplanted, they will not be repotted until they're transplanted outdoors. What size cow pots should I use for them to start them as transplants indoors?

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